Don’t get too close to a tired teen
;you could start losing sleep as well.When one teenager starts sleeping less,
her friends and others in her social {{U}} (67) {{/U}} soon lose
sleep, too, according to new research. Our social networks can {{U}} (68) {{/U}} our behaviors and moods. Political scientist James Fowler of the University of California has studied these effects and previously found that obesity, smoking, and {{U}} (69) {{/U}} happiness can spread through networks of people {{U}} (70) {{/U}} based on their relationships. Fowler {{U}} (71) {{/U}} his study of a network of more than 8000 7th-to 12th-grade students and their sleeping and smoking {{U}} (72) {{/U}}. He and colleagues {{U}} (73) {{/U}} a web of connections between each student and his or her friends. In one of these friend webs, a gang of sleepless boys A. well B. either C. too D. soon [单选题]信贷资产同时符合多个特定特征并对应不同分类结果时,按照( )的原则确定最终的质量分类结果?
A.真实性 B.从严控制 C.审慎性 D.及时性 [判断题]正在处理故障或进行倒闸作业时可以进行交接班。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]用金属管材制成的导地线液压压接金具,包括()。
A.接续管 B.铝衬管 C.耐张钢锚 D.线夹铝管 [多项选择]某市检察院在审查甲杀人案中,发现遗漏了依法应当移送审查起诉的同案犯罪嫌疑人乙。对此检察院应该如何处理?
A. 应当建议公安机关对乙提请批准逮捕 B. 应当建议公安机关对乙补充移送审查起诉 C. 如果符合逮捕条件,可以直接决定逮捕乙 D. 如果符合起诉条件,可以直接将甲与乙一并提起公诉 [单项选择]表征可燃气体、蒸气和可燃粉尘危险性的主要指标为( )。
A. 爆炸浓度 B. 爆炸极限 C. 爆炸危险性 D. 爆炸压力 [判断题]按复利计算时,每一期本金的数额是相同的。( )
[多项选择]人力资源策略对组织文化的重要意义体现在( )。
A. 强化作用 B. 削弱作用 C. 导向作用 D. 协调作用 [单选题]10kV及以下电力接户线安装时,档距内( )。
A.允许1个接头 B.允许2个接头 C.不超过3个接头 D.不应有接头 [单项选择]犯罪嫌疑人不讲真实姓名、住址,身份不明的,侦查羁押期限是______
A. 从被逮捕之日起计算 B. 1个月 C. 从查清其身份之日起计算 D. 无期限限制 [单项选择]商业银行经营的核心是()。
A. 市场营销 B. 利润最大化 C. 风险管理 D. 提高流动性 [名词解释]教育评价
[判断题] 消防车在进行高压供水时,水泵出口、分水器、水带接口附近可站人保护。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在建筑厂房时,应留够防火间距、构筑防火墙和隔热层;往裸露的金属构件表面涂上防火涂料,以及正确安设通风管道等。目的主要是防止建筑燃烧室的( )。
A. 热传导 B. 热对流 C. 热辐射 [单选题]某车站开行普通临客一列,编组硬座车10辆,每辆定员108人;硬卧车4辆(硬卧代硬座),每辆定员60人,该列车的实际定员为( )。(部竞赛题)
A.1390人 B.1400人 C.1668人 D.2040人 [单选题]热轧时,终轧温度过高,会造成( ),从而降低了钢的机械性能。
A.使用大量的冷却水 B.晶粒长大 C.晶粒变小 [单项选择]锅炉、加热炉、余热炉依据烟气的(露点)温度确定最低排烟温度,合理的排烟温度应控制()℃。
A. 150-180 B. 160-190 C. 160-180 [判断题]旅客列车餐车应防止食品交叉污染。食品应定量存放,实行净菜上车,避免后厨粗加工与垃圾污染。餐具应洗净消毒。加强剩余食品冷藏和复热加工,推行餐饮产品化供应。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]《北京市人民政府关于实施<北京经济技术开发区条例>办法》属于()。
A. 《工程勘察报告》 B. 《环境验收报告》 C. 《合同问题反馈表》 D. 《工程勘察报告评审表》 [单项选择]Once found almost entirely in the western United States and in Asia, dinosaur fossils are now being discovered on all seven continents. A host of new revelations emerged in 1998 that promise to reshape scientists’ views of dinosaurs, including what they looked like and when and where they lived.
It is doubtful that Tyrannosaurus Rex had lips or that Triceratops had cheeks, says Lawrence Witmer, an assistant professor of anatomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He reached its conclusions by using high-tech computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT) scans along with comparative anatomy studies. For example, the theory that Triceratops and similar dinosaur species had cheeks was based on past comparisons with mammals such as sheep. But Witmer’s careful analysis found the structure of the triceratops jaw and skull made it more likely that Triceratops had a beak like that of an eagle. Witmer said that scientists should use birds and crocodiles as models when researching the appearanc A. dinosaur’s geographical location B. shifting views of dinosaurs C. migration patterns of dinosaurs D. geologic activity of Earth [单项选择]评价肺通气功能,下列指标较好的是()。
A. 潮气量 B. 功能余气量 C. 肺活量 D. 时间肺活量 E. 潮气量与肺活量之比 [单项选择]克罗恩病与其他病鉴别时检查方法,最重要的是( )
A. 血清溶菌酶浓度测定 B. 粪便脂肪含量测定 C. 胃肠钡餐检查 D. 粪便常规及培养 E. 回结肠镜检 [单选题]架子工属于特种作业人员,必须经( )考核合格,取得建筑施工特种作业人员操作资格证书,方可上岗从事相应作业。
A.建设主管部门 B.建设单位 C.施工总承包单位 D.监理单位 [多项选择]《阿拉木图宣言》提出的初级卫生保健的工作目标是()
A. 健康促进 B. 预防保健 C. 合理治疗 D. 社区康复 [多项选择]为确保建设工程进度控制目标的实现,监理工程师制定进度控制措施应包括( )。
A. 技术措施 B. 经济措施 C. 合同措施 D. 纠偏措施 E. 组织措施 我来回答: 提交