Only three strategies are available for
controlling cancer: prevention, screening and treatment. Lung cancer causes more
deaths than any other types of cancer. A major cause of the disease is not
{{U}} (21) {{/U}} known; there is no good evidence that screening is much
helpful, and treatment {{U}} (22) {{/U}} in about 90 percent of all
cases. At present, therefore, the main strategy must be {{U}} (23) {{/U}}
. This may not always be true, of course, as for some other types of cancer,
research {{U}} (24) {{/U}} the past few decades has produced (or
suggested) some importance in prevention, screening or treatment. {{U}} (25) {{/U}}, however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what today’s knowledge could already deliver th A. contained B. delivering C. adop’ted D. regulated [判断题]进⾏⾎液透析治疗时, 其观察的主要内容是⾎流量、 透析负压及静脉压数据
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《危险化学品安全管理条例》规定,危险化学品单位应当制定本单位危险化学品事故应急预案,配备应急救援人员和必要的应急救援器材、设备,并定期组织应急救援( )。
A.演练 B.学习 C.讲解 [判断题]证券交易所对保荐人和证券服务机构出具的文件的真实性、准确性、完整性有疑义的,可以要求相关机构作出解释、补充,并调阅其工作底稿。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]非转移等离子弧工作时靠等离子焰加热焊接件,加热能量和温度均较转移弧低,因此主要用于焊接较薄的金属。
[单选题] 出站信号机应设在每一发车线的警冲标( )(对向道岔为尖轨尖端外方)适当地点。
A. 对称 B.内方 C.外方 [多选题]国共两党政权十年对峙时期,中国社会的矛盾有( )。
A.中华民族与日本帝国主义的矛盾 B.官僚资产阶级与人民大众的矛盾 C.农民阶级与地主阶级的矛盾 D.国民党爱国将领与蒋介石的矛盾 [判断题]接地线与作业设备之间可以连接开关或熔断器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]攀登有()、()、()、()的杆塔时,应采取防滑措施。
A.覆冰 B.积雪 C.积霜 D.雨水 E.平整 我来回答: 提交