Electronic Mail{{/B}} During the past few years, scientist the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they once spent their lives avoiding-writing, any kind of writing but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail’s surprisingly high speed, convenience and economy, people who never before touched the stuff are regularly, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence. Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant counties, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. An estimated five million scientists have done so A. The quick speed of correspondence may have ill-effects on discoveries. B. Although it does not speed up correspondence, it helps make discoveries. C. It quickens mutual communication even if it does not accelerate discoveries. D. It shrinks time for communication and accelerates discoveries. [多选题]公安派出所对居民委员会、村民委员会进行日常消防监督检查,应当检查的内容有()
A.消防安全责任人是否确定 B.消防安全管理人是否确定 C.消防安全工作制度、村(居)民防火安全公约是否制定 D.是否开展消防宣传教育、防火安全检查是否对社区、村庄消防水源(消火栓)、消防车通道、消防器材进行维护管理 E.是否建立志愿消防队等多种形式消防组织 [单选题] 以下是现场仪表的是( )。
A.载荷传感器 B. RTU C.PLC D.球机 [单项选择]鼻中隔偏曲的嵴处反复出血,经用油纱填塞前鼻孔无效时,最适宜的治疗是()。
A. 后鼻孔填塞 B. 硝酸银局部烧灼 C. 鼻中隔黏膜划痕 D. 鼻中隔黏膜下矫正术 E. 颈外动脉结扎术 [单选题]控制加热炉火咀燃烧,火焰高度应不大于炉膛的()
A.0.5 B.0.33333333333333 C.0.66666666666667 D.0.25 [判断题]调整杆塔倾斜、弯曲、拉线受力不均或迈步、转向时,应根据需要设置临时拉线及其调整范围,不需要统一指挥。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电缆井、电缆隧道检测应使用测试采样管缓慢伸入井内,并用吸气囊将井内的()气体吸入采样管内。
A.底部 B.上、中、下不同高度 C.上部 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]线路一、二级动火工作票签发人应是经本单位(动火单位或设备运维管理单位)考试合格并经本单位批准且公布的有关部门负责人、技术负责人或经本单位批准的其他人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]企业降低经营风险的主要途径一般有 ( )。
A. 增加销售 B. 增加自由资本 C. 降低变动成本 D. 增加固定成本比例 [填空题]
[A] Why is foreign text "rendered meaningless" when passed through an on-line translation tool According to Sabine Reul, who runs a Frankfurt-based translation company, translation tools have limited uses, and problems arise when web users expect too much from them. "A translation tool works for some things," says Reul, "Say a British company wants to order a box of screws from a German supplier. A sentence like ’We need one box of a certain type of screw’ is something that a machine could translate reasonably accurately--though primitively." [单选题]亚共析钢中的含碳量升高时,其相对的C曲线向( )移A.左 B.右 C.上 D.下
A.A B.B C.C D.D [填空题]车站向票亭发放发票时,应填写票务管理系统中的发票管理模块《车站发票使用登记表》。对于有摄像头监控的票亭,每次发放的数量以()天的使用数量为准;对于没有摄像头监控的票亭,则以()天的数量为准;每次发放时,需及时作登记
[判断题] 电气控制系统图包括电气原理图和电气安装图。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《济南市城市轨道交通运营管理办法》规定,禁止在通风口、车站出入口 ( )米范围内存放有毒、有害、易燃、易爆、放射性和腐蚀性等物品;
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [单项选择]患者,男性,65岁,一侧肢体瘫痪4h。经一般处理后,待晨间脑CT检查时,发现症状、体征全部消失,拟考虑可能是
A. 短暂性脑缺血发作 B. 内囊出血 C. 脑栓塞 D. 自主神经功能紊乱 E. 蛛网膜下腔少量出血 [单选题] 蓄电池在新装或大修后的第一次充电叫初充电时间约为( )小时。
A.10~30 B.30~40 C.40~50 D.60~80 我来回答: 提交