阅读下面的现代文,完成第7~10题。 “你家纳米了吗”什么事几乎都能先知先觉、赶在潮头浪尖之上的新新一族近一时期常挂在嘴边的这句话,让绝大部分人感到莫名其妙,不知道“纳米”是何方“神圣”。 简单地说,“纳米”是一种极微小的长度单位,一纳米等于十亿分之一米,也等于千分之一微米,大约是三四个原子的宽度。纳米科技是20世纪90年代初迅速发展起来的新兴科技,其最终目标是人类按照自己的意志直接操纵单个原子、分子,制造出具有特定功能的产品。纳米科技以空前的分辨率为我们揭示了一个可见的原子、分子世界。这表明,人类正越来越向微观世界深入,人们认识、改造微观世界的水平提高到了前所未有的高度。有资料显示,2010年,纳米技术将成为仅次于芯片制造的第二大产业。 人们越来越关注室内环境污染,长期在空调环境中工作、生活的人们不知不觉间可能会染上头痛、胸闷、咳嗽、困乏等“空调病”,纳米技术应用于空气净化过滤的消息给深受“空调病”困扰的人们带来一个惊喜。国内首批将纳米技术应用于空调机生产的上海欧臣纳米稀土空调就借其空气净化和水处理的国际技术背景,掀开了21世纪健康空调的一页。纳米是怎样充当“清洁卫士”,成为空气净化过滤材料的呢 据悉,这种特殊材料是由多种稀土金属、稀有金属、多种氧化物通过高科技方法合成的,其中加入了特殊的纳米材料。在纳米材料与多种稀土金属、稀有金属联合作用下,便构成了对各种有机污染物有良好去除效果的微孔活动中心。这个中心在不改变空气自然状态的大前提下,过滤空气中的有害物质,增加室内空气的含氧量。 经过中国预防医学科学院检测,这种合成稀土纳米材料对甲醛的去除率超过96%,对苯的去除率为89.8%,对氨的去除率为81.8%,对氮氧化物的去除率高达98%,对香烟烟雾的去除率为60.7%……总之,它能够把家庭和建筑装修以后散发的各种有毒、有害、致癌有机污染物有效地去除。主要表现在-无毒害、杀菌、吸附异味、高附着强度等几个特点上。 如今,纳米技术被较多地运用于一些楼盘的内外墙粉刷,像作为奥运样板工程的首都体育 A. 纳米技术已经开发成功并投入使用了。 B. 空气净化的过滤材料,由多种稀土金属、稀有金属、多种氧化物通过高科技方法合成,并加入了特殊的纳米材料。 C. 合成稀土纳米材料能够把家庭和建筑装修以后散发的各种有毒、有害、致癌有机污染物统统去除。 D. 纳米技术将成为仅次于芯片制造的第二大产业。 [判断题]作业开始前应对全体作业人员做好安全交底并签名确认 ,全体作业人员应掌握作业内容、设备运行 状态 、工作环境 、风险点 、风险预控措施等内容 。现场作业 的安全措施应布置完善 ,布置完成后现场所有防护设施不得擅自挪动。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《安全生产法》确立的我国安全生产工作机制是建立( )的机制。
A.生产经营单位负责 B.职工参与 C.政府监管 D.行业自律 E.社会监督 [单选题] 第9空()
A. dull B. interesting C. new D. easy [单项选择]上述各项,属疾病范畴的是()
A. 发热 B. 口苦 C. 气虚 D. 感冒 E. 便溏 [简答题]左心衰竭患者为什么出现端坐呼吸?
[多选题]等额累进还款法的特点是( )。
A.客户根据间隔期和相应的递增或递减比例进行还款 B.当还款能力发生变化时,可调整累进额或间隔期 C.对收入增加的客户,可采用增大累进额、缩短间隔期的办法,减少利息负担 D.对收入下降的客户,可采用减少累进额、扩大累进间隔期,减少分期还款额 E.对收入下降的客户,可采用增大累进额、缩短间隔期的办法,减轻还款压力 [判断题]《客运管理部站务应急处理程序》适用于站务室各岗位员工在处理突发事件、事故时的应急处理程序( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]窗口和对话框的区别之一是对话框不能移动位置,而窗口可以。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进行晶闸管(可控硅)高压试验前,应停止该阀塔内其它工作并撤离无关人员;试验时,作业人员应与试验带电体位保持1m以上距离,试验人员禁止直接接触阀塔屏蔽罩,防止被可能产生的试验感应电伤害。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]巷修新质量标准化规定巷道修护时间在()个月以上的施工作业必须编制巷修作业规程。
A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 1.5 [单项选择]推土机在进行管沟回填作业,且周围无倒车余地时,可采用的施工方法是( )。
A. 下坡推土法 B. 沟槽推土法 C. 斜角推土法 D. 并列推土法 [判断题]党员被依法逮捕的,根据司法机关处理结果,可以恢复其党员权利的,应当适时予以恢复。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]To safely anchor a vessel there must be sufficient scope in the anchor cable. Scope is the ratio of().
A. weight of cable to weight of vessel B. weight of cable to weight of anchor C. length of anchor to depth of water D. length of cable to depth of water [填空题]在普碳钢的拉伸试验中,试件在发生弹性变形后会出现屈服平台,此时应力称为()。
A. 支气管平滑肌收缩 B. 腺体分泌增加 C. 毛细血管扩张 D. 血管通透性增加 E. 以上全部是 [判断题]邮政的生产始于交寄,终于投递。
[填空题] A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply—all these were important 【B1】 in helping England to become the center ior the Industrial Revolution. 【B2】 they were not enough. Something 【B3】was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men—【B4】 individual who could invent machines, find new 【B5】 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society. The men who 【B6】 the machines of the Industrial Revolution 【B7】 from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were 【B8】 inventors than scientists. A man who is a 【B9】 scientist is primarily interested in doing his research 【B10】 He is not necessarily working 【B11】 that his findings can be used.
An inventor or one interested in applied science is 【B12】 trying to make something that has a concrete 【B13】 He may try to solve a problem by using the theories 【B14】 science or by experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to
A. A.plan B.use C.idea D.means [单选题]调节刮刀至尽量靠近转鼓而不接触,间隙约( )mm。
A.0.1—0.2mm; B.0.15—0.2mm; C.0.2—0.25mm; D.0.25—0.3mm [判断题]检修工机具使用要求要定期检测、保养、不能超期使用
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新生凭录取通知书可买往返学生票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现场急救的基本原则是()。
A.A.先救命 B.B.先治伤 C.C.先救命后治伤 D.D.先止血 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Privacy Worry May Keep HIV Patients From Therapy
Patients infected with HIV are often concerned about the confidentiality of their HIV-positive status.In fact,some patients are so worried that they will actually give up treatment to prevent the release of this information,according to a report published in the August issue of AIDS Care. Dr. Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein and colleagues from Duke University,Durham,North Carolina,studied the confidentiality issues of 15 HIV-infected patients from rural North Carolina locations.They were divided into groups designed to explore their attitudes toward,and experiences with,breaches in confidentiality. "The fear of a breach in confidentiality is' definitely affecting the care that HIV-infected patients receive,"Whetten-Goldstein said."Most studied patients had experienced or knew someone who had experienced a breach in confidentiality." "Two types of breaches occurred,"Whetten-Goldstein noted."The first was a more obvious type of breach.One example was a nurse who told her child that her patient was HIV-positive out of concern that her child would play with the patient's child." "The other type of breach was more subtle,one that providers might not consider breaches,"Whetten- Goldstein explained."This type of breach involves providers talking about a patient's HIV status without the patient's knowledge of the interaction." "The law allows the sharing of information between providers within the same institution,but patient's consent must be obtained before providers at different institutions can share information,"she pointed out. "Patients in the study wanted providers to tell them when they are going to share information with other providers and why it is being done,"Whetten-Goldstein said."They also felt that providers should be punished when a breach occurs." "However,because patients are often reluctant to seek legal action which may further expose their status,they felt that the system should regulate itself,"she added. Breaches in confidentiality are common in medical circles all over the world. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [判断题]中华优秀传统文化是中华民族的根和魂,是中国特色社会主义植根的文化沃土。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]中国药典规定,软胶囊剂的崩解时限为()分钟.
A. 15 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60 [单选题]ESBLs确证试验中所用的两组纸片为
A.头孢泊肟、头孢泊肟/克拉维酸;头孢他啶、头孢他啶/克拉维酸 B.头孢他啶、头孢他啶/克拉维酸;头孢噻肟、头孢噻肟/克拉维酸 C.头孢噻肟、头孢噻肟/克拉维酸;头孢曲松、头孢曲松/克拉维酸 D.头孢曲松、头孢曲松/克拉维酸;氨曲南、氨曲南/克拉维酸 E.阿莫西林、阿莫西林/克拉维酸;头孢噻肟、头孢噻肟/克拉维酸 我来回答: 提交