男性,65岁,冠心病10年。6小时前胸骨后剧痛,为压榨性,并向左臂放射。先后含硝酸甘油4次,疼痛稍减轻,烦躁不安,出汗。查体:急性痛苦面容,体温36.5 ℃ ,血压为13.3/9.3kPa(100/70mmHg),脉率110次/分;心界不大,律齐,心音低,未闻奔马律及杂音;双肺少许湿性啰音;肝脾未触及。
于入院后第3天突发剧烈胸痛,端坐呼吸,心脏超声见明显二尖瓣反流。查体时最有诊断意义的体征为(){{B}} Questions 57 to 61 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} There are people in Italy who can’t stand soccer. Not all Canadians love hockey. A similar situation exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who yawn or even frown when somebody mentions baseball. Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens. They tell you it’s a game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because there’s the sport that glorifies "the hit". By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent, still. On TV the game is fractured into a dozen perspectives, replays, close-ups. The geometry of the game, A. the third baseman would rather sleep than play the game B. the author could close his eyes without watching the game, because it was always the same. C. the third baseman is no good at baseball that he could finish the game with eyes closed all the time and do his work well D. the consequence was too bad he could not bear to see it [单项选择]条形基础底面处的平均压力为170kPa,基础宽度b=3m,在偏心荷载作用下,基底边缘处的最大压力值为280kPa,该基础合力偏心距最接近下列哪个选项的数值?()
A. 0.50m B. 0.33m C. 0.25m D. 0.20m [单项选择]霍乱的暴发流行、氯气中毒,表现了环境污染物对人体健康危害,其性质为()。
A. 急性作用 B. 慢性作用 C. 间接作用 D. 生物作用 E. 化学作用 [单选题]胫骨平台骨折,最容易引起的并发症是
A.骨筋膜室综合征 B.缺血性骨坏死 C.骨化性肌炎 D.骨折不愈合 E.创伤性关节炎 [简答题]铁路旅客运输规程中无票或持用失效车票乘车时如何处理?
[单选题]下列不出现于蛋白质中的氨基酸的是( )。
A.半胱氨酸 B.胱氨酸 C.瓜氨酸 D.赖氨酸 E.精氨酸 [单选题]作业风险评估中,危害的定义是指可能导致伤害或疾病、财产损失、()或这些情况组合的条件或行为。
A.工作环境破坏 B.设备损坏 C.电网事故 D.人身死亡 [单选题][T]BE003 5 1 3
巡视人员发现导线断落地面或悬吊空中,应设法防止行人靠近断线地点( )m以内。 A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 [填空题]Civil engineering is one of the oldest and most extensive branches of engineering. It focuses on (36) of public works like transportation, water treatment, government buildings, public (37) such as airports and train stations, and other large scale projects which benefit the public. A civil engineer must be able to design safe structures which meet standard (38) in the regions that they are being built in. These structures must be designed with (39) efficiency, and other economic (40) in mind as well to ensure that they will (41) through years of use.
The qualifications to become a civil engineer vary by nation, but generally the position requires at least a four year degree. People who are interested in a career in civil engineering should plan on taking large amounts of math and science in high school, and they should (42) degrees in civil engineering in college. For advanced positions and (43) [单项选择]在防火巡查时,要检查用火、用电有无违章情况,下列案例属于安全用火、用电的是()。
A. 某美容美发厅用电暖器烘烤毛巾 B. 某人离开办公室,所有用电设备处于关闭状态 C. 某人用塑料衣架在电线上晾晒衣服 D. 某人装修房间,私拉电气线路 [单项选择]墨家的思想中与“天志”对应的是什么?()
A. 兼爱 B. 非攻 C. 非乐 D. 明鬼 [判断题]地方各级人民代表大会每届任期五年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高速铁路250(不含)~350km/h正线无砟轨道线路静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值轨距为()mm时需进行临时补修。
A.A、43620 B. B、43588 C. C、43587 D. D、43619 [判断题]建筑安装施工图是根据投影原理绘制而成的。
[单选题]破伤风梭菌的芽胞在土壤中最长可存活( )(1.08分)
A.数年 B.数十年 C.数月 D.十余年 E.数日 [简答题]16.消防救援队伍仪式的组织,遵守哪些规定?
[多选题]厦门地铁2号线电客车司机室照明主要包括( )
A.检修灯 B.阅读灯 C.仪表照明 D.顶棚LED灯 [判断题]226、架空线路工程验收主要包括架空线路(通道、杆塔、基础、导线、铁件、金具、绝缘子、拉线等)、柱上开关设备(含跌落式熔断器)、柱上变压器、柱上电容器、防雷和接地装置等验收。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作轮班制体现了员工在( )上的分工与协作关系。
A.时间 B.空间 C.组织 D.架构 [判断题]繁忙干线货运列车脱轨60辆以上并中断铁路行车48小时以上的为重大事故。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公务电话系统在所有车站都设置有程控交换机。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]BA05 在开关上接引、拆除临时用电线路时,其上级开关应断电锁定管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 作切角动作时应特别注意光线对行动的影响。[1分]
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]作业开工前,工作负责人或工作许可人若认为现场实际情况与原勘察结果可能发生变化时,应重新核实,必要时在原有工作票修正、完善相应的安全措施,如增加接地线。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交