Passage 3 Futures are used for three purposes; hedging, speculating and arbitraging. This passage is only concerned with hedging, but it should be noted that speculators and arbitrageurs play a particularly important role in the market. It is largely the speculators who take on the risks that the hedgers seek to shed, while the arbitrageurs, by ensuring that futures prices constantly stay in line with other markets, give both hedgers and speculators the confidence that they are doing their deals at the right price. The volume of deals for arbitrage and speculation purposes is much higher than that for hedging purposes. This is similar to the foreign exchange markets, where it has been estimated that, the foreign exchange business needed in any one year for commerce and tourism is all done by 11 a.m. on 2, January, while the res A. take on the risks that hedgers want to shed B. seek to hedge their risks C. make the futures prices move in accordance with other markets D. all of the above [多选题]防爆电气设备到矿验收时,应当检查(),并核查与安全标志审核的一致性。
A.煤矿矿用产品安全标志 B.产品合格证 D.产品说明书 [单项选择]石硫合剂属于()
A. 无机杀菌剂 B. 有机杀菌剂 C. 微生物杀菌剂 D. 植物性杀菌剂 [单项选择]在基站勘测、网络规划、网络优化等流程中都涉及到的并要及时更新的文档是()
A. 《工程参数总表》 B. 《基站勘测报告》 C. 《网络规划报告》 D. 《网络优化报告》 [单项选择]DNA的一级结构是()
A. 多聚A结构 B. 核小体结构 C. 双螺旋结构 D. 三叶草结构 E. 多核苷酸排列顺序 [填空题]Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.Which kitchen appliances are included
______ [判断题]二氧化碳是造成温室效应的主要原因( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人民币活期储蓄存款外汇账户开户起点金额为()。
A. 等值1美元的外币 B. 等值5美元的外币 C. 等值10美元的外币 D. 等值20美元的外币 [单项选择]全面开展创建“工人先锋号”活动始于()年。
A. 2007 B. 2006 C. 2005 D. 2008 [单选题]下列不属于不良贷款的有( )。
A.关注贷款 B.逾期贷款 C.呆账贷款 D.损失贷款 [单选题]同一电缆通道规划18回及以上电缆时,宜采用()。
A.电缆隧道或综合廊 B.排管 C.顶管 D.直埋 [单选题]KVM设备不包括( )
A.键盘 B.鼠标 C.显示器 D.音箱 [单选题]当旅客的便携式电子装置出现火情,下列哪个是错误的?
A.拔掉装置的外部电源 B.重新安置乘客,远离电子装置 C.在装置上洒水(或其他不可燃液体),以使电池芯冷却并防止相邻电池芯起火 D.未作任何保护就可以移动设备 我来回答: 提交