How Do American Consumers Borrow {{/B}} Young consumers often have not established their credit ratings. Many do not have steady incomes. They might have difficulty borrowing money from an agency in business to make loans. Parents or relatives are usually their best source of loans. Of course, the parents or relatives would have to have money available and be willing to lend it. You might even get an interest-free loan. However, a parent or relative who lends should receive the same interest as any other lender. There are disadvantages in borrowing from parents or relatives. One is that they may not insist on you paying back the money by a certain time. As a result, you might let the loan drag on. This is especially A. parents or relatives will ask the young people to pay back soon B. it will not help young people to develop a good credit habit C. they always charge interest D. they always charge higher rates than other lenders [单项选择]
College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. Most of them earn millions (2) as well, in television revenues, sponsorships. They also benefit (3) from the added publicity they get via their teams. Big-name universities (4) each other in the most popular sports. Football games at Michigan regularly (5) crowds of over 90, 000. Basketball’s national collegiate championship game is a TV (6) on a par with any other sporting event in the United States, (7) perhaps the Super Bowl itself. At any given time during fall or winter one can (8) one’s TV set and see the top athletic programs--from schools like Michigan, UCLA, Duke and Stanford-- (9) in front of packed houses and national TV audiences. [单选题]作为判断刚性和刚弹性方案房屋的横墙,对于单层房屋其长度不宜小于其高度的( )倍。
A.0.5 B.1 C. 1.5 D.2.0 [判断题]运输安全质量标准化规定对职工的业余培训不低于85%。
[判断题]接线组别相同而并列,会在变压器相连的低压侧之间产生电压差,形成环流,严重时导致烧坏变压器。() ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]张某欲将祖传的青花瓷瓶一件卖给李某,双方约定价款为15万元人民币,交货时间为1999年8月1日,王某知道此事后,找到张某,提出愿以20万元购买此瓷瓶,张某同意,并当即将瓷瓶交给王某,但王某当时未付款。下列陈述不正确的是:
A. 李某可要求将瓷瓶交给自己,因为李某与张某已签订买卖合同且在先 B. 李某有权要求张某承担违约责任 C. 李某无权要求王某交付该瓷瓶,只能向张某主张该项权利 D. 张某应当向王某请求返还瓷瓶,王某应返还 [填空题]下面程序的功能是从键盘上输入若干学生的学习成绩,统计并输出最高成绩和最低成绩,当输入为负数时结束输入。
main( ) float x,amax,amin; scanf("%f",&x); amax=x: amin=x: while( (11) ) if(x>amax) amax=x; if( (12) ) amin=x; scanf("%f",&x); printf("/namax=%f/namin=%fn",amax,amin); [单选题]下列葡萄糖生成丙酮酸的糖酵解途径中,( )是最普遍的、存在于大多数生物体内的一条主流代谢途径。
A.EMP途径(糖酵解) B.HMP途径 C.ED途径 D.WD途径 [多项选择]以下属于工程量清单计价中“其他项目费”的有( )。
A. 规费、税金 B. 暂列金额、暂估价 C. 计日工 D. 措施项目费 E. 总承包服务费 [判断题]持有烟草专卖品准运证但实际改变到货地点的,视为无烟草专卖品准运证运输。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]我国古代著名的医学专著有
A. 《礼记》 B. 《淮南子》 C. 《黄帝内经》 D. 《伤寒杂病论》 [判断题]外单位是指与设备所属单位无直接行政隶属关系,从事非生产运行维护职责范围内工作的设备、设施维护工作或基建施工的单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电阻的大小与导体横截面面积大小成( )。
A.正比 B.反比 C.无关 D.关系不大 [单选题]在某一个时段内,电压急剧变化而偏离额定值的现象,称为( )。( )
A.电压波动 B.电压闪避 C.电压偏移 [多选题]泥沙流沙坑开挖,开挖过程中,当坑壁有明显坍塌迹象且坑内积水或地下出水量不大时,采用()降水;当土质疏松且渗水比较快的土壤或开挖中地下出水量较大,且坑壁有坍塌迹象时,采用()降水法;当地下水较大,地质为粉质土或流沙时,采用()法。
A.抽明水 B.井点 C.沉井(箱) D.集水井法 [多项选择]项目经理在项目确定后对( )等方面有一定的决定权。
A. 经费的具体使用 B. 项目技术的选择 C. 工作安排 D. 专业人员的安排 E. 项目计划控制 我来回答: 提交