Two travelers engaged in a warm dispute
about the color of the Chameleon. One of them affirmed it was blue, that he had
seen it with his own eyes upon the naked branch of a tree, feeding on the air in
a very clear day. The other strongly asserted it was green, and that he had
viewed it very closely and minutely upon the broad leaf of a fig tree. Both of
them were positive, and the dispute was rising to a quarrel; but a third person
luckily coming by, they agreed to refer the question to his decision.
"Gentlemen," said the Arbitrator, "You could not have been more lucky in your
reference, as I happen to have caught one of them last night; but, indeed, you
are both mistaken, for the creature is totally black." "Black, impossible."
"Nay," said the Umpire, with great assurance, "the matter may be soon decided,
for I immediately enclos A. dishonesty B. unwillingness to consider the opinions of others C. lack of insight into the diversity of truth D. poor perception of physical qualities [判断题]客户侧低压验电前应先在低压设备上试验,以验证验电器或测电笔良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]地下室地坪标高-0.5m,地下水设计水位标高-0.4m,则地下室四周墙体以及底板应采取()措施。
A. 防水 B. 防冻 C. 防潮 D. 防渗 [多项选择]监理工程师要有良好的品德,其良好品德主要表现有( )。
A. 热爱本职工作 B. 具有科学的工作态度 C. 具有廉洁奉公、为人正直、办事公道的高尚情操 D. 能听取不同意见,而且有良好冷静分析问题的能力 E. 能够独立地开展工作 [单选题]商业银行的信贷业务不应集中于同一业务、同一性质甚至同一国家的借款者,应是多方面开展,这里基于( )的风险管理策略。
A.风险对冲 B.风险分散 C.风险转移 D.风险补偿 [单项选择]
Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Barbie is going through a midlife crisis. After (1) with longtime boyfriend Ken earlier this year, she has (2) refuge in shopping, surfing, bubble baths and partying with a crew of trendy pals on the beach in Jamaica. At 45, she even made a (3) for the White House. Then there was the makeover: a new. (4) of Paul Frank fashions, her own fragrance, a new musical and a new man-spiky-haired Australian surfer Blaine. But, she (5) is going through a crisis, one that started at the cash register. (6) the Barbie brand as a whole (7) $ 3.6 billion in global retail sales this year, according to manufacturer Mattel Inc., Barbie has (8) sales slide over the past seven quarters. In the past few years, rivals (9) the edgier Bratz have upstaged the iconic doll. T [单项选择]直流充电装置的监视电压表计的精度应不低于()。
A. 1.5级 B. 1.3级 C. 1.1级 D. 0.8级 [单选题]双线单向自动闭塞,某站双线反方向发车时,应根据( )查明区间空闲。
A.《行车日志》 B.闭塞表示灯 C.调度命令 D.轨道电路 [单项选择]风热袭表,肺气不宣者的代表方剂是
A. 竹叶石膏汤 B. 黄芩滑石汤 C. 葛根解肌汤 D. 银翘散 E. 葱豉桔梗汤 [判断题]设备状态量达到注意值时表示设备已存在缺陷并有可能发展成故障。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]马克思劳动价值论认为,人的抽象劳动是价值的唯一源泉,同时科技、知识、信息等新的生产要素在对使用价值和价值的形成也具有重要作用,这是因为
A. 科学技术本身能创造价值 B. 科学技术在生产中的应用有利于劳动生产率的提高 C. 科学技术为人所掌握,可以提高劳动效率 D. 科学技术为人所掌握,可以创造出更多的使用价值和价值 [单项选择]设某编码系统字符为“0”,厂商识别代码为012300,商品项目代码为00064,将其压缩后用UPC-E的代码表示,则是()。
A. 1236433 B. 1236431 C. 1236432 D. 1234632 [单选题]终端设备及外围设备交由外部单位维修处理应经( )批准。
A.使用部门 B.信息管理部门 C.信息运维单位(部门) D.安全管理部门 [单选题]应急管理部门及消防救援机构应当加强消防法律、法规的宣传,并( )有关单位做好消防宣传教育工作。
A.督促、指导、协助 B.督促、指导、帮助 C.指导、协助、检查 D.督促、指挥、协助 [填空题]罗马帝国的开国君主是哪位人物:()
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