In the art of the Middle Ages, we never
encounter the personality of the artist as an individual; rather, it is diffused
through the artistic genius of centuries embodied in the rules of religious art.
Art of the Middle Ages is a sacred script, the symbols and meanings of which
were well settled. The circular halo placed vertically behind the head signifies
sainthood, while the halo impressed with a cross signifies divinity. By bare
feet, we recognize God, the angels, Jesus Christ and the apostles, but for an
artist to have depicted the Virgin Mary with bare feet would have been
tantamount to heresy. Several concentric, wavy lines represent the sky, while
parallel lines represent water or the sea. A tree, which is to say a single
stalk with two or three stylized leaves, informs us that the scene is laid on
earth. A tower with a window indicates a village; an A. sociological analysis of the Middle Ages B. treatise on the influence of the Church in the Middle Ages C. scholarly analysis of art in the Middle Ages D. preface to a biography of a Renaissance artist [单项选择]因公司章程规定的营业期限届满,甲有限责任公司于2006年3月20日召开股东会,讨论公司解散事宜。在股东会上,解散公司的决议经出席股东会议的股东所持表决权2/3以上多数通过。随后,公司自行清算。下列关于该案公司清算及公告的做法中,符合《公司法》规定的是( )。
A. 公司清算方案经董事会会议决议通过后开始执行 B. 股东会于4月15日选任公司5名股东组成清算组 C. 清算组于成立后第5天正式启动清算工作,并将公司解散及清算事项分别通知了有关的公司债权人 D. 公司在报纸上公告:自公告之日起30日内未向公司申报债权者,公司将不负清偿义务 [单项选择]克隆病的病理改变最有意义的是
A. 节段性全层炎 B. 裂隙状溃疡 C. 非干酪样坏死性肉芽肿 D. 炎性息肉 E. 鹅卵石征 [判断题]坚持保障出战斗力理念,应积极研发适应山地救援轻便防寒救援服、地震救援机动便携载具等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对弥漫性硬皮病具有相对特异性的自身抗体是
A.抗组蛋白抗体 B.抗着丝点抗体 C.抗核抗体 D.抗RNA抗体 E.抗DNA拓扑异构酶抗体 [多选题]问话技巧包括() 查看解析
A.不给对方造成心理压力 B.问题要简练明确 C.有需要随时提问,不需选择时机 D.让对方能够准确地回答出问题的核心 E.可以使用诱导型提问 [简答题]简述电动车钩检查作业程序?
A. 不泄漏 B. 稳定耐久 C. 一定的抗震性能 D. 具有互换性 [多选题]设计项目部主设资格要求( )。
A.具备电力工程中级及以上职称 B.需提供近3个月所在中标人缴纳的社保证明 C.具备国网湖南省电力有限公司颁发的相应设计培训合格证书 D.具有从事3年及以上配电网工程设计工作经历。 [多项选择]外国某公司甲拟请求宣告中国公民乙的发明专利权无效。乙申请专利时全权委托了专利代理机构丙,由该机构的专利代理人丁办理了专利申请事宜。对此下列说法哪些是正确的
A. 专利代理机构丙可以接受甲的委托,并可以委派专利代理人丁办理请求宣告乙专利权无效事宜 B. 甲可以自行办理有关无效宣告请求的手续并参加无效宣告程序 C. 专利代理机构丙可以接受甲的委托,但应当委派除丁以外的其他专利代理人办理请求宣告乙专利权无效事宜 D. 专利代理机构丙不得接受甲的委托办理请求宣告乙专利权无效事宜 [判断题]作业前必须先系好悬挂绳,安全吊绳。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )氮化处理应安排在粗加工之前进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列有关艾滋病的叙述正确的是()
A. 目前,对艾滋病防治重在预防,还没有办法彻底根治 B. 艾滋病能通过母亲传给下一代,因此是一种遗传病 C. 艾滋病病毒侵入人体后,会引起人体内的遗传物质发生根本改变而使病人死亡 D. 艾滋病是通过破坏人体的免疫细胞使患者失去免疫力,患者易感染各种疾病而死亡 [判断题]漏电开关只有在有人触电时才会动作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]蒸发器的温度上升时,温控器感温元件内部的压力会( )
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 [单项选择]下列哪种情况下不是服用短效口服避孕药的禁忌证( )
A. 冠心病 B. 慢性乙型肝炎 C. 患有再生障碍性贫血 D. 慢性支气管炎 E. 月经稀少或年龄>45岁者 [单项选择]
The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choices based upon current medical knowledge. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life-style without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into belie 我来回答: 提交