Narrative crept back into art through a side door marked fashion photography. In April 1967, French Vogue published a spread by Bob Richardson, the American photographer, that soon became a legend Informally christened " the Greek trip " by Richardson’s admirers, the spread featured Donna Mitchell, a striking brunet model, hanging out on the Aegean island of Rhodes with a male companion.
Of course, narrative never disappeared—it just went to the movies, and stayed, and stayed. But what had caused stories to be exiled from high art The idea of essence, and the equation of essence with goodness. Can you imagine Visual art is essentially composed of form, color, materials. Anything to do with content is extraneous and therefore to be associated with badness; therefore to be eliminated. Moreover, content, says this line of thought, is controlling. This means that a rose is the Virgin Mary (depending on what the meaning of " is " is). And art, l
A. a successful film should consist of precise moments
B. a tentative state of equilibrium is superior to anxiety or dread
C. a reduction is necessary to make the narrative efficient
D. a proper moment is enough to achieve narrative purpose
{{U}}Directions:{{/U}} In the following questions, choose the best answer from the five choices listed. |
In Amsterdam ( 阿姆斯特丹), there is an
unusual Children Restaurant. It is run (经营) by children. From the manager to the
cooks, waiters and other members are all children from six to twelve years old.
They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. These
children are selected (挑选) in Amsterdam. After training (培训), they may work in
the Restaurant for four weeks. All of them like their work. This restaurant was founded (创办) in 1983 by a woman cook, who wanted to give the children chances to learn to be useful to the public. And now she is the only adult (大人) there, but her job is just to take care of the children. The Restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone. Since there are only 20 seats in the Restaurant, it is always full of people. If you want to [填空题]DAN-单位定期存款的期限分( )六个档次,起存金额一万元,多存不限。
[多项选择]生产单位外购( )货物,可以从销项税额抵扣其发生的进项税额。
A. 原料及主要材料 B. 职工生活用水 C. 从废旧物资回收站购人的废旧物资(普通发票) D. 劳保用品 [单项选择]具有祛风,通络作用的是()
A. 蕲蛇 B. 金钱白花蛇 C. 两者都是 D. 两者都不是 [判断题]对场所的辨认应对有询问笔录、辨认笔录两份材料复卷。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]周代出现了大一统的君主专制政体的雏形,这就是______
A. 宗法分封制 B. 郡县制 C. 采邑制 D. 察举制 [单选题]弧焊电源配套的电焊钳规格是按照电源的( )大小决定 【单选题】
A.实际焊接电流 B.最大的焊接电流 C.短路电流 D.焊接电流 ’ [判断题]czxd处置台风灾害时,必要时可以单独行动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人民警察执行职务,依法只受人民检察院的监督而不受行政监察机 关的监督。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]基层要大力开展实战化训练。坚持任务需要什么就专攻精练什么,按使命任务设计内容,按实战环境设置条件,按任务进程组织演 训,把实战化贯穿渗透于训练全过程各领域。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,28岁。1天前不慎感受风寒,出现头痛、发热、恶寒、微汗,脉浮缓而结代。患者素有心悸、心慌、胸痛。宜选
A. 麻黄配桂枝、生姜 B. 荆芥配防风、紫苏 C. 桂枝配白芍、甘草 D. 羌活配藁本、细辛 E. 生姜配葱白、甘草 [单选题]作为东日员工,我将时刻牢记:为了自己生命安全、为了家庭幸福团圆;为了企业稳定发展,自觉遵守安全规章制度;严格执行安全操作规程,认真履行岗位职责;拒绝违章指挥,拒绝违章操作;聚精会神工作,确保安全生产;在岗一分钟,( )。
A.安全六十秒 B.负责六十秒 C.确保六十秒 [单选题] KEYNOTE-006研究的主要终点是( )。
A.安全性 B.ORR和DoR C.PFS和OS D.OS和DCR [单选题]周先生意识恢复,但左侧肢体不能自主活动,出现偏瘫。当周太太询问患者痊愈情况时,你应如何回答
A.“很难说,但多数患者至少需要一年以上才能痊愈。” B.“你好像对是否能恢复你们过去的生活方式很焦虑。” C.“担心是否能痊愈是很正常的。康复需要时间,进程会稍慢一些。” D.“你有些焦虑是正常的,但是没有办法可以估计你丈夫的恢复情况。” E.“不要急,王先生很快就会恢复如常的。” [判断题] 电容器具有隔断直流电、导通交流电的性能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电能量远方终端采集的周期可设置为( )。
A.1分钟 B.5分钟 C.15分钟 D.60分钟 [单选题]甲公司将一写字楼转换为采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产,该写字楼的账面原值为2500万元,已计提的累计折旧为50万元,已计提的固定资产减值准备150万元,转换日的公允价值为3000万元,则( )。
A.贷记“固定资产减值准备”150万元 B.贷记“资本公积——其他资本公积”700万元 C.借记“资本公积——其他资本公积”700万元 D.贷记“公允价值变动损益”700万元 [单选题]患者,女,60岁,血氧检查结果:PaO2 98mmHg,血氧容量12ml/dl,动脉血氧含量11.5ml/dl,动-静脉血氧含量差4ml/dl,该患者患下列哪种疾病的可能性最大
A.哮喘 B.肺气肿 C.贫血 D.室间隔缺损 E.一氧化碳中毒 [判断题]太阳周年视运动的方向是地球公转方向在天球方向上的反映,二者均为自西向东。
[判断题] 掘进巷道发生火灾时,应保持正常通风状态,根据现场瓦斯情况,必要时可适当调整风量。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述媒体组合的原则。
[单选题]装有密接式车钩的客车回送时,( )应安装过渡车钩。
A.车辆人员 B.车站人员 C.机务人员 我来回答: 提交