Government is the political system by which a (1) or community is administered and regulated. Most of (2) key words commonly used to describe governments, words (3) as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy, are of Greek (4) Roman origin. They have been current for more (5) 2,000 years and have not yet exhausted their (6) . This suggests that mankind has not changed very (7) since they were coined; but such verbal and (8) uniformity must not be allowed to hide the (9) changes in society and politics that have occurred. (10) earliest analytical use of the term monarchy occurred (11) ancient Athens, chiefly in Plato’s dialogues, but even (12) Plato’s time the word was not self-explanatory. There (13) a king in Macedon and a king in Persia, (14) the two societies, and therefore their institutions, (15) radical [单选题]拆除车辆地板时,要确认()无人方可作业。
A.车上 B.车下 C. 车中 [单项选择]国有土地租赁由市、县国土资源行政主管部门与土地使用人签订租赁合同,要求租赁期限在()以上。
A. 1年 B. 3个月 C. 6个月 D. 2年 [单项选择]It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the _______ in London in the early 18th century.
A. affair B. situation C. condition D. matter [单选题]《道岔保养质量评定标准》规定:心轨凸缘螺栓缺少、松动,每个扣( )分。
A.2 B.5 C.16 D.41 [单项选择]现有以下物品,施用有机磷农药(除个别农药外)者可事先涂抹哪种于暴露的皮肤处()
A. 硼酸 B. 肥皂 C. 细沙 D. 泥粉 E. 高锰酸钾 [单选题]某公司发行债券,债券面值为1000元,票面利率6%,每年付息一次,到期还本,债券发行价1010元,筹资费为发行价的2%,企业所得税税率为25%,则该债券的资本成本为( )。(不考虑时间价值)
A.4.06% B.4.25% C.4.55% D.4.12% [单项选择]自体瓣膜感染性心内膜炎的主要致病菌是()
A. 淋球菌 B. 肺炎克雷白杆菌 C. 肺炎链球菌 D. 葡萄球菌 E. 草绿色链球菌 我来回答: 提交