Change, or the ability to (31)
oneself to a changing environment is essential (32)
evolution. The farmer whose land is required for housing or
industry must adapt himself: he can transfer to another place and master the
problems (33) to it; he can change his occupation, perhaps
(34) a period of training; or he can starve to death. A
nation which can’t adapt its trade or defense requirements to (35)
world conditions faces an economic and military disaster. Nothing is
fixed and permanently stable. (36) must be movement forward,
which is progress of a sort, and movement backward, which is decay and
deterioration. In a changing world, tradition can be a force for good or for evil. (37) long as it offers a guide, it helps the ignorant and the uninformed to take a step (38) and, thereb A. in B. to C. with D. at [判断题]板框压滤机的洗涤速率是过滤未了速率的1/4倍,这是因为洗涤液所走的路程是滤液走的路程的两倍,而穿过的面积也是滤液所穿过的面积的两倍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是悬停升限?
A. 法规 B. 规章 C. 规范性文件 D. 劳动卫生标准 E. 职业性诊断标准 [简答题]在什么情况下,钻(修)井队伍被处以10万元人民币的罚款,主要责任人处以1万元人民币的罚款,并停工整改?
[单选题] 控制巷道成形的炮眼是( )。
A.掏槽眼; B.辅助眼; C.周边眼 [单项选择]深龋的检查应特别注意()
A. 叩诊的反应 B. 龋坏的部位 C. 龋洞的深度 D. 探穿髓孔有无 E. 洞内温度测验 [多选题]信贷档案按资料性质和管理要求分为( )。
A.客户基本情况档案 B.信贷运行档案 C.信贷电子档案 D.信贷管理档案 [单项选择]下列哪种是违反《维护互联网安全的决定》中维护国家安全和社会稳定的行为()
A. 通过互联网窃取、泄露国家秘密、情报或者军事秘密 B. 利用互联网侵犯他人知识产权 C. 利用互联网进行盗窃、诈骗、敲诈勒索 D. 非法篡改他人电子邮件侵犯公民通信自由 [单项选择]The word "radical" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. equal B. extreme C. excellent D. basic [单选题] 地面有线控制的起重机, 大小车运行机构运行速度不应大于()
M./min。 A.45 B.50 C.55 [单选题] 婴幼儿提出某种要求时,成人为婴幼儿提供适当的帮助,让他感受到( )
A.有求必应 B.别人对他的尊重 C.优越感 D.舒服 [单项选择]既能散肝经之寒邢,又可解肝气之郁滞.为治肝寒气滞诸痛的要药是()。
A. 附子 B. 肉桂 C. 薄荷 D. 柴胡 E. 吴茱萸 [填空题]钢轨探伤中探测各类焊缝接头时必须站停回拉<--NRC-->,正常焊缝在70°各通道出波的时候输入对应焊接接头标记,并注意对钻眼加固螺孔的探测。
[单项选择]The period immediately following the Civil War was a time of great hope for Blacks in America. It was also a time of momentous (21) change, as the nation sought to (22) those liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights to all Americans, Black and White. The Thirteenth Amendment (23) slavery, the Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed all citizens equal protection of the laws, and the Fifteenth Amendment declared that no one could be (24) the right to vote " (25) race, color, or precious condition of servitude." In subsequent decades, (26) , it became all too apparent, at least to Blacks and a (n) (27) small number of concerned Whites, that the promise contained in these amendments were not being (28) By century’s end, racial segregation was still an inescapable fact of American life, in the North (29) the South.
There was an important stage that showed the struggle to close the gap between constitutional promise and social real A. honored B. observed C. noticed D. marked [判断题]上网信息的保密管理坚持“谁上网谁负责”的原则。
[单选题]工程单价分析中,工、料、机单价应是( )。
A.考虑预期价格浮动后的优选价 B.考虑预期价格浮动后的预算定额价 C.考虑预期价格浮动后的市场指导价 D.考虑预期价格浮动后的概算定额价 [多选题]CR400AF(-A)动车组一级修司机室设备检查,检查( )个空调控制旋钮外观无松动,( )旋转无卡滞、脱档现象。
A.4 B.3 C.手动 D.机械 [多选题]《安全生产法》要求,安全生产工作应当( ),坚持( ),坚持综合治理的方针。
A.以人为本 B.安全发展 C.安全第一 D.预防为主 [判断题]SUPI卡是从框上联接口卡,只用于从框上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述同工酶分离鉴定的常用方法。
[单选题]使用灭火器扑救固体火灾时要对准火焰( )喷射。
A.上部 B.中部 C.根部 D.外延 [单项选择]用电容式液位计测量非导电介质的液位时,电容传感器使用与它绝缘的(),作为外电极,外电极开有孔和槽,内外电极靠绝缘材料进行固定。
A. 中间电极 B. 中间绝缘体 C. 同轴金属圆筒 D. 同轴非金属圆筒 [判断题]()有限空间内作业氧含量不得低于21% 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]拉线的底把宜采用直径不小于( )mm的热镀锌圆钢制成的拉线棒。
A.8 B.10 C.16 D.25 [不定项选择题]某女性患者,30岁,近3个月来自觉两侧咬肌、颞肌酸疼,上下颌牙齿找不到合适的咬合位置。3个月前因慢性牙髓炎做根管治疗及充填治疗。临床检查示:两侧咬肌、颞肌有触压痛,两侧颞下颌关节无弹响、无压痛,叩(±)。
A.根尖周炎 B.牙周炎 C.充填物造成的咬合高点 D.磨牙症 E.精神紧张 [判断题]E4303焊条的脱渣性没有E5016焊条好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交