Task 4
In general, the ancient Romans were a practical people. They cared less about philosophy anti pure mathematics than did the Greeks. The Romans were the best of the ancient engineers anti architects. They were brilliant students of Greek geometry and trigonometry, and they applied their knowledge to the constructions of fine bridges, roads, aqueducts, and public buildings. They knew about the smelting of iron ore, but they used the iron they produced mainly for spears, swords, and shields, rather than for building construction. While the Romans accomplished practical wonders, they did very little theoretical scientific thinking. Because of their frequent wars, many of their inventions were no more than improvements in the design of Greek weapons with which they were familiar. There are two A. mathematics and architecture B. construction and philosophy C. geometry and trigonometry D. engineering and architecture [单选题]11、下列物质发生火灾不能用水扑救的是()。
A.粮食 B.棉麻 C.钾 D.原油 [判断题]发放委托贷款前,必须存入足额的委托贷款资金,并对与本次放款金额相同的委托贷款资金进行冻结。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.37 市级监管中心应当每日随机抽取上一日业务档案进行检查,对进口机动车注册登记、大中型客货车登记查验业务的抽取比例不少于业务量的_____。
A.20% B.15% C.5% D.10% [单选题]在敌人火力攻击情况下,你发现伤员腿部的伤口正在大量出血,血液呈暗红色,且
从伤口稳定流出,你应该( ) A.立即采取止血措施 B.等到战术救治阶段再进行止血 C.等到伤员后送阶段再进行止血 D.先剿灭敌人再止血 E.呼叫卫生员止血 [多选题]根据《建设工程抗震管理条例》,建设工程根据使用功能以及在抗震救灾中的作用等因素,分为()
A.特殊设防类 B.重点设防类 C.标准设防类 D.适度设防类 [单项选择]决定膀胱癌患者预后的因素是( )
A. 肿瘤的生长部位 B. 血尿的程度 C. 肿瘤浸润的深度和细胞的分化程度 D. 肿瘤的大小 E. 肿瘤的数目 [单项选择]“人不能两次踏入同一条河流”、“日方中方睨,物方生方死”、“世界的发展是绝对精神的自我运动”,以上观点依次属于()
A. 辩证法、二元论、客观唯心主义 B. 相对主义、辩证法、主观唯心主义 C. 辩证法、相对主义、客观唯心主义 D. 辩证法、相对主义、主观唯心主义 我来回答: 提交