Amphibious vehicles, those that can
move on both land and water, have been in use for a number of years, but while
most of them were fairly fast on land, they moved quite slowly when they were
functioning as boats. The only truly amphibious vehicle that can move with equal
ease on both land and water is the hovercraft (气垫船). The hovercraft is the
invention of an electronics engineer named Christopher Cockerell. Cockerell’s
hobby was sailing and he was interested in the problem of reducing the friction
of water on the body of a boat, and hit on the idea of designing a boat which
would travel on a cushion of air. The air cushion under a hovercraft is produced by a large fan which blows air downwards between the craft and the water or ground, and so lifts up the craft. The air is main-rained at higher than atmospheric pressure b A. The hovercraft can travel with ease because there is no contact between the craft and surface below. B. The sidewall ACV will travel faster than the Sedam N500. C. A new Mountbatten Class hovercraft can carry more passengers than the Sedam N500. D. It takes about a half hour to travel between Britain and France by a new Mountbatten Class hovercraft. [判断题]一级动火工作票的有效期为48H。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不可以在一根管道上同时进行两处加盲板作业
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]红外光束感烟探测器至侧墙水平距离不应大于()m,且不应小于()m。
A. 7.0、0.5 B. 7.5、0.5 C. 7.0、1.0 D. 7.5、1.0 [多项选择]具有明目功效的药物有()
A. 桑叶 B. 菊花 C. 熊胆 D. 车前子 E. 地肤子 [单选题]对于危险性较大的场所、装置或者设施,生产经营单位应当编制现场处置方案。现场处置方案应当规定()等内容。
A.应急组织机构及其职责、应急预案体系、事故风险描述、预警及信息报告、应急响应、保障措施、应急预案管理 B.应急指挥机构与职责、处置程序和措施 C.应急工作职责、应急处置措施和注意事项 D.应急物资、应急联系方式和现场处置方式 [多选题]王某因涉嫌故意伤害罪被公安机关刑事拘留。王某委托律师陈某担任辩护人。下列说法正确的是 )。
A.陈某在辩护中得知王某准备杀死被害人,对此情况有权予以保密 B.陈某帮助王某毁灭证据,应当由办理王某案件的公安机关对陈某涉嫌犯罪的案件立案侦查 C.陈某可以向公安机关了解延长侦查羁押期限的情况 D.陈某持律师执业证书、律师事务所证明和委托书要求会见王某,看守所应当及时安排会见,保证陈某48小时内见到王某 我来回答: 提交