W: Hello.
M: This is Mr. Jackson. Could I speak to Dr. Wang, please
W: Speaking. How’s that new bridge, Mr. Jackson
M: Not so good, doctor. That’s what I’m calling about. It just doesn’t seem to fit right.
W: Well, that’s to be expected during the first few days after it has been put in. As I told you, there will be no complications.
M: It hurts so much, especially when I eat. I keep removing it afterwards, you know.
W: I understand, Mr. Jackson. It does hurt in the beginning, I know. But it would be better if you didn’t remove it, except when cleaning it, of course.
M: Well, I did at first, doctor, but my gums hurt so much that I just can’t stand it any longer.
W: Well, maybe we can adjust it a little more.
M: Adjust it
W: Yes, file it down a little here and there. When can you come in
M: Oh, right away, doctor, if you don’t mind.
W: I&r
A. For one day.
B. For a few days.
C. For a few Weeks.
D. For more than a month.
New York: when the first jet struck
World Trade Center at 8:48 a.m. on Tuesday, the people in 2 World Trade Center
with a view of the instant damage across the divide had the clearest sense of
what they, too, must do: get out fast. Katherine Hachinski, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Ms Hachinski, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 World Trade Center, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, an executive (经理), screamed and set off too. But others up and down the 110 floors, many without clear views of the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off. Amid the uncerta A. keep silent B. leave at once C. put everything back and then leave D. stay in the building [简答题]注册会计师王峰等在对X公司2003年度会计报表进行审计时,对X公司的应收账款实施部分审计程序为:
(1)编制2003年年末应收账款账龄分析表。 (2)选择账龄较长、金额较大的50个债务人函证应收账款。 (3)除收到两个债务人的复函与函证内容不符外,其他均没有问题。 要求:(1)编制应收账款账龄分析表的作用有哪些 (2)选择函证对象的目的是什么 (3)对函证的结果注册会计师应如何处理 [单选题]B-E-002 2 2 4
EMS通过厂站远动终端设备RTU或测控装置采集的数据反映了电网的稳态潮流情况,其实时性为( )。 A.毫秒级 B.秒级 C.分钟级 D.小时级 [单选题]心电图中心房激动产生的波是
A.Q波 B.R波 C.S波 D.P波 [填空题]当列车管因为漏泄而缓慢减压时,制动机不发生制动作用,这一特性称制动机的()。
A. 缺乏状态 B. 生存发展要求 C. 本能 D. 行为的动机 [多选题]现代智慧供应链体系建设的历程包括()。
A.统筹推进 B.试点先行 C.成果共享 D.行业引领 [单选题]距牵引供电设备支柱及牵引供电设备带电部分( )m范围以内具备接入综合接地条件的金属结构应纳入综合接地系统。
A.4 B.5 C.8 D.10 [单选题]抛锚式教学也称( ),这是因为它要求建立在有感染力的真实事件或真实问题的基础上。
A.情境性教学 B.探究式教学 C.范例教学 D.非指导性教学 [单选题]《铁路技术管理规程》规定:全国各线的列车运行方向,以()的规定为准。
A.铁路总公司 B.铁路局 C.行车调度 D.运输局 [判断题]《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》规定,任何单位和个人有权向负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门和有关部门举报涉及特种设备安全的不当行为,接到举报的部门应当及时处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作完工后,应清扫整理现场,工作负责人(包括小组负责人)应检查( )的状况。
A.停电地段 B.检修地段 C.工作地段 D.杆塔上 [单项选择]()是在液压传动系统中用来储存和放出压力油的装置。
A. 储能器 B. 油箱 C. 油管 D. 滤清器 [判断题]安装空气弹簧O型圈时,需涂润滑脂进行保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1-防爆电气设备连接器内腔表面不得涂漆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接触网悬挂异物,司机判断影响行车时:若列车能限速通过异物点时,行调组织列车限速()或 根据现场要求限速通过异物点。
A.A、5km/h B.B、15km/h C.C、25km/h D.D、40km/h [单项选择]雷诺氏病所导致的上肢症状可选用的注射疗法是()
A. 颈椎椎旁肌内注射 B. 肩外侧肩峰下注射 C. 枕大神经注射 D. 枕小神经注射 E. 星状交感神经节注射 [判断题]最高额抵押权设立前已经存在的债权,经当事人同意,可以转入最高额抵押担保的债权范围。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交