I have just come home after viewing
some astonishing works of art that were recently discovered in Church Hole cave
in Nottinghamshire. They are not drawings, as one would expect, but etchings,
and they depict a huge range of wild animals. The artists who created them lived
around 13,000 years ago, and the images are remarkable on a variety of counts.
First of all, their sheer number is staggering, there are ninety all told.
Moreover, fifty-eight of them are on the ceiling. This is extremely rare in cave
art, according to a leading expert, Dr Wilbur Samson of Central Midlands
University. Wall pictures are the norm, he says, "But more importantly, the
Church Hole etchings are an incredible artistic achievement. They can hold their
own in comparison with the best found in continental Europe." I am not a student
of the subject, so I have to take his word for A. (A) can now fully envisage the life of ice-age hunters B. (B) was profoundly impressed by the images in the cave C. (C) has now realized the true significance of most cave art D. (D) thinks the images should receive more publicity [单选题]重大安全风险应填写清单、汇总造册,按照职责范围报告属地负有( )职责的部门
A. 环境保护 B. 安全生产监督管理 C. 规划 D. 消防 企业安全生产隐患排查的方法 复习题 一、单选题:(10题) [单选题]发现牵引供电设备断线及其部件损坏,或发现牵引供电设备上挂有线头、绳索、塑料布或脱落搭接等异物,均不得与之接触,应立即通知附近车站,在牵引供电设备检修人员到达未采取措施前,任何人员均应距已断线或异物处所( )m以外。
A.2 B.5 C.10 [单选题]对申请入党的条件,错误的一项是___________。( )
A.年满18岁 B.中国公民 C.承认党的纲领和章程 D.只能是工人.农民.军人.知识分子中的先进分子 [多选题]接触网设备应充分利用铁路供电安全检测监测系统(6C系统)等手段,开展即时、定期分析诊断,依据( )界定设备状态,划分缺陷等级(两级缺陷),为设备维修提供依据。
A.标准值 B.警示值 C.安全值 D.限界值 [单选题]1化学爆炸的实质是高速度( )。
A.气体膨胀 B.温度升高 C.压力增大 D.燃烧 [判断题] 劳务分包人员安全教育培训由劳务分包单位自行管理。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]支气管肺炎的康复治疗不包括( )。
A. 超短波 B. 紫外线 C. 红外线 D. 超声雾化吸入 E. 上田法 [单选题]警戒标识杆是用于火灾等灾害事故现场设立( )。
A.安全区 B.警戒区 C. 隔离区 D. 疏散区 [单选题]任何单位或者个人对( )违法行为,均有权向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告或者举报。
A.事故隐患或者安全生产 B.安全隐患或者安全生产 C.事故隐患或者施工安全 我来回答: 提交