{{B}}Electronic Mail{{/B}} During the past few years, scientist the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they once spent their lives avoiding — writing, any kind of writing but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail’s surprisingly high speed, convenience and economy, people who never before touched the stuff are regularly, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence. Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant counties, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with a personal computer, a modem.and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. An estimated five million scientists have done so with more join A. Their functions cannot be replaced by E-mail. B. They will co-exist with E-mail for a long time. C. Less and less people will use them. D. They will play a supplementary function to E-mail. [多选题]起重机械的各种监测仪表以及( )等安全装置应完好齐全、灵 敏可靠,不得随意调整或拆除。
A.制动器 B.限位器 C.安全阀 D.闭锁机构 [单选题]骨头汤里骨胶原比较丰富,真正的钙是在( ),骨粉钙吸收率也差。
A.骨头里 B.骨头外 C.骨粉里 D.骨髓里 [简答题]The recorded civilization of India is one of the longest in the course of world history, and its mythology, linked to its religions and to the development of its civilization, spans an even greater length of time. Unlike the mythology of most countries, particularly Western countries, Indian mythology is still a part of the living culture of the people on all levels of society, from the illiterate masses to the educated elite. Indian mythology is truly a living mythology, evolving as a consequence of historical circumstances like dynastic changes, economic conditions, and the resultant social upheavals experienced by the Indian people. In other words, the mythology changes to explain and record actual historical events.
A. 十二指肠降部或胃小弯 B. 十二指肠球部前壁或胃小弯 C. 十二指肠球部后壁或胃小弯 D. 十二指肠球部后壁或胃大弯 E. 十二指肠降部或胃大弯 [单项选择]有以下程序:
#include <stdio.h> intf(intn) if(n==1) return 1; else return f(n-1)+1; main( ) int i,j=0; for(i=1; i<3; i++) j+=f(i); printf("%d/n",j); 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。 A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 [单选题]128.当隧道衬砌周围地下水较多时,可设置( )。
A.(A)拱度盲沟 B.(B)环形盲沟 C.(C)单侧竖向盲沟 D.(D)双侧竖向盲沟 [填空题]计算机及网络安全设备应安装指定的防病毒软件,定期( ),保证能查杀最新的病毒。
[单选题]安装3、4挡拨叉轴的小止动块,拧紧输出轴螺母,再将换挡叉轴置于( )位置。
A.一档 B.二档 C.空挡 D.倒档 [判断题] 对一般伤员,均应先进行止血.固定.包扎等初步救护后,再进行转运。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血友病A是()
A. 由于血管壁异常导致的出血性疾病 B. 由于血小板数量与功能异常引起的出血性疾病 C. 由于病理性抗凝物质增多导致的出血性疾病 D. 由于血液循环中抗凝物质增多导致的出血性疾病 E. 由于凝血因子异常导致的出血性疾病 [单选题]下列因素中,对团体凝聚力的影响因素不包括( )。
A.相处的时间 B.个人素质 C.加入团体的难度 D.团体的规模 [判断题] 林某涉嫌盗窃被公安机关依法取保候审,郭某是林某的保证人但在林某被取保候审期间,郭某因与林某发生矛盾,不愿意继续担保,则公安机关应当责令林某重新提出保证人或者交纳保证金
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]通货膨胀的成因包括( )。
A. 需求拉动 B. 成本推动 C. 结构牵动 D. 国内传递 E. 国际传递 [单选题]防氨和硫化氢的滤毒罐颜色为()。
A. 黄色 B. 白色 C. 灰色 我来回答: 提交