A class action lawsuit has been filed
against a prominent Toronto doctor by patients who allege he injected a banned
substance into their faces for cosmetic purposes. The doctor had already been
investigated for more than three years for using the liquid silicone, a product
not authorized for use in Canada. Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. What she says he didn’t tell her is that it isn’t approved for use in Canada. "I didn’t know what liquid silicone was and he just called it ’liquid gold’," Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone A. Barbiero will win the lawsuit B. Dr. Sheldon Pollack will win the lawsuit C. the cases have been dismissed D. governing bodies to monitor doctor will be charged [单选题]金融机构在按照中国人民银行的要求采取临时冻结措施后( )小时内,未接到侦查机关继续冻结通知的,应当立即解除临时冻结。
A.12 B.24 C.48 D.72 [多选题]观察员可以是来自( ),根据有关相关方的要求对审核过程进行观察。
A.受审方或其顾客 B.认证机构 C.监管机构 D.认可机构 [单选题]对在检修工作任务中发生的事故,坚持以( )的原则进行处理。
A.预防为主 B.四不放过 C.五同时 D.四卡死 [多选题]无机固体绝缘材料有( )。
A.云母 B.电瓷 C.玻璃 D.天然橡胶 [单选题]关于脑挫裂伤的叙述,下列错误的是:
A.临床表现部分病人可无意识障碍 B.意识障碍常是最突出的临床表现,昏迷时间常大于30分钟 C.腰穿脑脊液是血性 D.多数有中间清醒期 E.确诊常需CT扫描检查 [单项选择]男孩,15个月。发热,呕吐3天,伴剧烈哭闹,不断用手抚摸头部1天,全身性抽搐两次,每次约3分钟缓解,抽后嗜睡。体温38.8℃,神志恍惚,面色灰白,颈项强直,心肺无异常。末梢血检查:白细胞明显升高,以中性粒细胞为主。该患儿最可能的诊断为()
A. 高热惊厥 B. 病毒性脑炎 C. 化脓性脑膜炎 D. 结核性脑膜炎 E. 中毒性脑病 [单选题](B757)正确描述APU作用的是:
A.在地面供气供电用于发动机起动或飞机空调 B.在空中供气供电没有高度限制 C.在地面只能供气不能供电 D.在空中只能供电不能供气 [单选题]治疗肾病综合征的基础药物是
A.细胞毒性药物 B.辛伐他汀 C.糖皮质激素 D.卡托普利 E.抗凝药物 我来回答: 提交