The next time you attend a social
function or go to a place where people meet and interact, take note of the
number of people who have adopted the identical gestures and posture of the
person with whom they are talking. This "carbon copying" is a means by which one
person tells the other that he is in agreement with his ideas and attitudes. By
this method, one is non-verbally saying to the other, "As you can see, I think
the same as you, so I will copy your posture and gesture." This unconscious mimicry is quite interesting to observe. Take for example, the two men standing at the hotel bar. They have mirrored each other’s gestures and it is reasonable to assume that they are discussing a topic upon which they have the same thoughts and feelings. If one man uncrosses his arms and legs or stands on the other foot, the oth A. To adopt identical gesture of others. B. To repeat what others have said. C. To show agreement with others. D. To mock others. [单选题] 年 1 月 2 日,美国发布第 54 号总统令,建立国家网络安全综合计划 (Comprehensive National Cyber security Initiative,CNCI)。CNCI 计划建立三道防线: 第一道防线,减少漏洞和隐患,预防入侵;第二道防线,全面应对各类威胁;第三道防线, 强化未来安全环境.从以上内容,我们可以看出以下哪种分析是正确的:
A.CNCI 是以风险为核心,三道防线首要的任务是降低其网络所面临的风险 B.从 CNCI 可以看出,威胁主要是来自外部的,而漏洞和隐患主要是存在于内部的 C.CNCI 的目的是尽快研发并部署新技术彻底改变其糟糕的网络安全现状,而不是在现在的 网络基础上修修补补 D.CNCI 彻底改变了以往的美国信息安全战略,不再把关键基础设施视为信息安全保障重点, 而是追求所有网络和系统的全面安全保障 [单选题]无色无味的煤气被称为“沉默的杀手”,煤气中毒,其实就是( )。
A.CO B.CO2 C.NO [单选题]为加强电力生产现场管理,规范(),保证人身、电网和设备安全,依据国家有关法律、法规,结合电力生产的实际,制定本规程。
A. A.电力生产的安全管理 B.B.各类工作人员的行为 C.C.现场作业的工作流程 D.D.各类设备的作业方法 [判断题] 斗上双人带电作业,禁止同时在不同相或不同电位作业。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]训练中要严格落实各项安全措施,开展训练时每个训练场地均应有干部到场( )保证良好的训练秩序。
A.加强训练组织 B.落实各项安全制度 C.严格训练纪律 D.拍摄操作流程 [判断题] 避雷器与被保护设备并联连接。 (? )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于灭火时注意事项表述正确的是( ) 。[1.5]
A.使用灭火毯灭火时应接近火源,直接覆盖在容器口处即可 B.使用灭火毯灭火时应注意防止复燃 C.灭火时应站在上风口 D.泡沫灭火器一次未用完可保存下次再使用 我来回答: 提交