{{B}}Underground Coal Fires a Looming
Catastrophe{{/B}} Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the environment and human life, scientists have warned. These large-scale underground blazes cause the ground temperature to heat up and kill surroundings vegetation, produce greenhouse gases and can even ignite forest fires, a panel of scientists told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver. The resulting release of poisonous elements like arsenic and mercury can also pollute local water sources and soils, they warned. "Coal fires are a global catastrophe," said Associate Professor Glenn Stracher of East Georgia College in Swainsboro, USA. But surprisingly few people know about them. Coal can heat up on its own, and eventu A. Coal heats up on its own and catches fire and burns. B. The underground oxygen will be used up. C. Poisonous fumes and greenhouse gases will be accumulated underground. D. There will be an increases of abandoned mines. [单选题] 汽机负荷过低时会引起排汽温度升高的原因是( )。 "
A.真空过高 B.进汽温度过高 C. 摩擦鼓风 D.进汽压力过高" [单项选择]规费是属于以下哪一项?()
A. 直接费 B. 间接费 C. 措施项目费 D. 其他项目费 [多选题]以下哪类用户不属于单移转融的目标用户
A.沃小号用户 B.5G冰激凌用户 C.物联网卡用户 D.2I用户 [单选题]离心泵的调节阀( )。
A.只能安装在进口管路上 B.只能安装在出口管路上 C.安装在进口管路或出口管路上均可 D.只能安装在旁路上 [单项选择]烟囱筒身施工时应划定危险区,当烟囱高度为100m以上时,筒身周围()以内为危险区。
A. 10m B. 20m C. 30m D. 40m [多选题]根据《行政复议法》规定,申请人对下列哪些行政复议决定不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼?
A.国务院作出的行政复议裁决 B.国务院部门作出的行政复议决定 C.省级人民政府作出的行政复议决定 D.省会市人民政府作出的行政复议决定 [单项选择]巨幼细胞性贫血有效治疗初期红细胞直方图的变化为()。
A. 红细胞峰右移,双峰出现,以100fl处为主 B. 红细胞峰右移,双峰出现,以80fl处为主 C. 红细胞峰顶以85fl处为主 D. 红细胞峰左移,双峰出现,以60fl处为主 E. 红细胞峰左移,双峰出现,以80fl处为主 [单选题]SV的报文类型属于( )。
A.原始数据报文 B.低速报文 C.中速报文 D.低数报文 我来回答: 提交