The horse came into existence before
man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found
on the North American continent, many scientists believe this small species
traveled over a land mass. It became extinct (绝种的) in America. Other scientists
believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon
spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The first modem horse to be
introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers.
Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low
countries of Europe and were used for work and by the medieval knights (中世纪骑士)
to fide. The oldest breed of horses is said to be the Arabian. The only true
wild horses left in 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate
in intelligence after the ape, t A. In the Middle East. B. In Europe. C. On the North American continent. D. In Spain. [填空题]钢材的工艺性能是指钢材适应各种( )( 包括弯曲、锻压、切削、延展、冷压及焊接等)的能力。
[单选题]使用一辆60t、61t平车装载超长均重货物,两端均衡突出车端长度L大于等于1500小于2000mm时,容许载重量( )t。
A.58 B.57 C.56 D.55 [单项选择]税务登记不包括()。
A. 开业登记 B. 变更登记 C. 核定应纳税额 D. 注销登记 [单项选择]肝硬化呕血最简便处理是
A. 冰水洗胃 B. 给止血药 C. 三腔双囊管压迫 D. 输全血 E. 口服垂体后叶素 [多选题]在带电的电压互感器作业时作业人员要,并( )。
A.穿绝缘靴 B.戴手套 C.使用绝缘工具 D.操作人还要戴绝缘手套 E.必要时作业前撤出有关的继电保护 [判断题] 00112(判断题).()道德的调节功能是指道德通过评价等方式,指导和纠正人们的行为和实践活动,协调人与社会之间关系的功效与能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在建设工程施工阶段,为了减少或避免工程延期事件的发生,监理工程师应( )。
A. 提醒业主履行施工合同中的职责 B. 及时支付工程进度款 C. 及时提供施工场地及设计图纸 D. 及时供应建筑材料及设备 [填空题]网页或APP渠道办理业务时,要弹出或跳转页面对话框作为确认,或采取( )、( )等方式。
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