You’re busy filling out the application
form for a position you really need. Let’s assume you once actually completed a
couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn’t it
tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents
a Harvard degree Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State
University More and more people are turning to utter deception like this to
land their job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like
most Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a
good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are
better with a diploma from a well-known university. Registrars at most well-known colleges say they deal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of about one per A. the job-seeker is a student in that college B. the job-seeker’s brother is a student in that college C. neither the two are students in that college D. both A and B [判断题]只有全部带有电压的电气设备才是运用中的电气设备,。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如果乙炔瓶充装静置后压力太低,而乙炔瓶的充装量是正确的。是什么原因造成的?
A. 该标准所有要求都是通用的 B. 该标准适用于所有期望建立食品安全管理体系的各种类型的组织. C. 该标准适用于直接介入食品链中一个或多个环节的组织,如提供运输服务的组织 D. 该标准不适用于间接介入食品链中一个或多个环节的组织,如设备供应商 [多选题]沃家组网业务典型应用场景包括以下哪些场景?
A.经常与网友联机玩游戏,对网络时延要求高。 B.淘宝带货主播,经常需要直播或上传视频。 C.被陌生人蹭网,宽带被别人占用。 D.家中卧室信号差,网络卡顿不稳定 E.家中智能设备很多,都需要连接网络 [单选题]可燃气体的设备维修必须釆用铜制工具,原因( )。
A.牢固 B.防止产生火花 C.廉价 D.耐用 [填空题]三相不同期是指断路器合闸时U、V、W三相导电杆与静触头接触的先后(____)。
[单项选择]国家标准规定:袋装水泥检验时,每批的总量应不超过( )t。
A. 100 B. 200 C. 400 D. 500 [单项选择]女性患者.54岁,既往无消化性溃疡病史,全身大面积烧伤2天,3小时前突然出现呕血、黑便,针对该患者首选的检查方法是( )
A. X线钡餐检查 B. 选择性血管造影 C. 纤维胃镜 D. CT检查 E. 腹部透视 [单选题]汽车行驶中,将制动踏板踩到底,仍无制动效果的原因是( )。
A.个别轮制动气室失效 B.制动系统中无气压 C.各制动轮制动鼓与制动蹄间隙过小 D.各制动轮制动鼓与制动蹄间隙过大 [单选题]下列选项中,不属于小额贷款还款方式的有:
A.一次性还本付息法 B.等额本息还款法 C.等额本金还款法 D.阶段性等额本息还款法 [单选题]在电力系统正常情况下,220V单相供电的用户受电端的供电电压允许偏差为额定值的( )。
A.-7%~+10% B.+7%~-10% C.+7%~+10% 我来回答: 提交