British Columbia has greater variations
in climate than any other province in Canada. When warm winds from the west hit
the cold{{U}} (67) {{/U}}of the many mountain ranges, the result is
heavy rainfall. Inland plateaus, however, are largely{{U}} (68) {{/U}}On
the lower coast, the temperature is mild, with little{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}any snow. In the northern belt, temperatures range from 50° below zero
to 90° above zero. This area has more rain and snow. The forests of British
Columbia{{U}} (70) {{/U}}about one hundred million acres. The{{U}}
(71) {{/U}}of many mountain ranges are blanketed with{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}. Red cedar(雪松), and hemlock (铁杉) are found in large{{U}} (73)
{{/U}}. While lumber is the most important industry for British Columbia, its{{U}} (74) {{/U}}also supply large revenues, particularly in the southern areas. A. target B. attention C. attempt D. temptation [判断题]发生人员触电,首先要使触电者迅速脱离电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客户填记货物运单时,“选择服务”有( )项
A.10 B.11 C.12 D.13 [多选题]建筑倒塌类安全因素,主要是指火场上( )等可能发生倒塌造成人员伤亡。
A.建筑物 B.构筑物 C.堆垛 D.大型货架 [填空题]《国家电网有限公司供电服务建设管理监督办法(试行)》规定,各级供电服务建设管理监督机构根据供电服务建设管理监督发现的问题,组织开展( )警示和廉洁从业教育。
[多选题]婴儿喂养方式有( )
A.人工喂养 B.母乳喂养 C.鼻饲喂养 D.牛乳喂养 [单选题]718.患者,女性,65岁,大学文化,退休教师。因“情绪低落、对周围事物缺乏兴趣,悲观厌世,有轻生念头”曾先后3次住院。本次因自杀未遂入院。患者由家属陪同自行步入病房,表情不悦,面带愁容,接触时用摇头、点头作答。护理体检:T37.4℃,P118次/分,R18次/分,BP132/80mmHg,体重55kg,颈部正中有缝合10针的刀割伤,伤口敷料干燥、无渗液。患者丈夫反映:上次出院后病情稳定,已停药4年。两周前出现做事无兴趣,连饭也不想做;晚上上床后要到半夜才能入睡,晨二、三点就醒;整天少语、不悦,自感乏力、疲劳,尤以晨醒后最严重;说自己没用,对不起家人,活着没意思;食欲差,每餐仅进几口饭菜;3天前在厨房用水果刀刺自己颈部。既往史、个人史、家族史:无特殊。辅助检查:ECG示HR为112次/分,余无异常。医疗诊断:情感障碍(抑郁发作)。医嘱予氟西汀、再普乐、阿普唑仑(佳乐定)治疗。关于抑郁发作患者的护理措施,下列错误的是:()
A.加强危险物品的管理 B.督促患者料理日常生活和个人卫生 C.发药时做到“看服下肚” D.有自伤、自杀倾向的患者最好单独居住 E.严格执行安全管理与安全检查制度,加强巡视 我来回答: 提交