{{B}}Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Ever since AL Gore invented it, the
Internet has been a paradise for those with a creative attitude to facts.
Students, for example, commission and sell essays with such ease there that
online "paper mills" devoted to this trade are one of the few domain name
business models still thriving. With a few clicks of a mouse, a student can
contract out any academic chore to "research" sites such as {{U}}Grader-saver.
Com{{/U}} or the Evil House of Cheating. One market opportunity, however, frequently creates another. The past few months have seen a rapid rise in interest in software designed to catch the cheats. The subscriber base of Turnitin, a leading anti-plagiarism (防止剽窃) software house based in Oakland, California, has risen by 25 percent since the beginning of the year. Around 150 000 students in America alone are u A. its superb management B. the thriving of academic cheating C. its big electronic eye D. the test of its software by the Joint Information Systems Committee [单项选择]一般麻疹患儿需隔离至出疹后().
A. 3天 B. 5天 C. 7天 D. 10天 E. 14天 [填空题]汉代,江陵县______的发明,带动了帆和舵的出现,是我国古代造船技术的重要变革。
[单选题]施工企业的办公用水电费、卫生保洁费用由( )开支。
A.定额人工费 B.临时设施费 C.企业管理费 D.项目法人管理费 [单项选择]开放性气胸典型临床表现是()
A. 伤侧的胸部叩诊呈鼓音 B. 纵隔移位 C. 呼吸困难、发绀 D. 胸部可见吸吮性伤口,随呼吸气体出入伤口嘶嘶声 E. 皮下气肿 [填空题]进站、出站、进路、驼峰及调车色灯复示信号机均采用(####),以区别于一般信号机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗内伤发热血瘀发热证的代表方是()
A. 通窍活血汤 B. 膈下逐瘀汤 C. 血府逐瘀汤 D. 桃红四物汤 E. 补阳还五汤 [单选题]进口列入限制进出口目录的放射性同位素的单位,应当在进口前报国务院生态环境主管部门审批;获得批准后,由国务院对外贸易主管部门依据对外贸易的有关规定签发进口许可证。国务院生态环境主管部门在( ),给定放射源编码。
A.批准放射源进口申请时 B.海关货物通关时 C.受理放射源进口申请时 D.放射性同位素完成进口后 我来回答: 提交