It is a long time for a large mount of
big corporations or international companies to pay much attention to an
ever-important subject -- Industrial Psychology. For studying and using the
subject, they can produce more profits than ever before. So, what is its
definition It is an application of various psychological techniques to the
selection and training of industrial workers and to the promotion of efficient
working conditions and techniques, as well as individual job satisfaction. This
field of applied psychology first became prominent during World War II, when it
became necessary to recruit and train the large number of new workers who were
needed to meet the expanding demands of industry. The selection of workers for particular jobs is essentially a problem of discovering the special intelligence A. study worker candidates’ intelligence and characteristics B. discover the special intelligence and personality characteristics of worker candidates’ C. solve the specific problem D. help choose the right or suitable workers for particular jobs [单选题]两个HSCB无法闭合限速是( )km/h。
A.70 B.60 C.50 D.40 [判断题]在一次洪水过程中,洪峰流量要晚于洪峰水位出现。
[判断题]超过筹资突破点筹集资金,只要维持现有的资本结构,其资金成本率就不会增加。( )
A.胆道蛔虫病 B.急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎 C.急性胆管炎 D.急性胰腺炎 E.急性胆囊炎 [单选题]南宁轨道交通3号线列车主题颜色为( )
A.清秀绿 B.朱瑾红 C.锦绣紫 D.八桂黄 [单选题]防止继电保护“三误”是指防止继电保护的
A.误校验、误接线、误碰 B.误校验、误整定、误碰 C.误整定、误碰、误接线 [单项选择]
女性,36岁,腹泻后2周急性起病,出现逐渐加重的四肢瘫痪,查体:四肢肌张力降低,肌力2级,四肢腱反射减低,大小便能自控,无明显感觉障碍,伴肌压痛。腰椎穿刺脑脊液检查:白细胞数6×106/L,蛋白质0.9g/L,糖2.9mmol/L,氯化物125mmol/L。该患者最可能的诊断是() A. 急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病 B. 脊髓灰质炎 C. 急性硬脊膜外脓肿 D. 重症肌无力 E. 周期性瘫痪 [单选题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)工业DPaaS平台可用于以下哪个实时分析处理场景?()
A.智能传感网络 B.噪声数据处理 C.边缘即时反馈 D.预测性维护 [填空题]道岔各钢轨件的车轮滚动轨面均设有( )轨顶坡。
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