American Indian Movement (AIM) is an
organization devoted to promoting cultural awareness and political
self-determination for Native Americans. AIM seeks recognition of treaty rights
in accordance with agreements between Native American tribes and the United
States government. The organization also supports Native American education and
cultural programs. AIM is best known for its confrontational political
demonstrations during the late 192s and 1970s. AIM was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in response to complaints by Native American residents about police brutality. Members of the organization began to monitor police behavior. As the group gained strength, they also started to lobby for improved city services for the many Native Americans living in run-down tenant apartments, and they de A. AIM chiefly organized the 1972 "Trail of Broken Treaties". B. The next major AIM action was the 1973 occupation of the town of Wounded Knee, the site of a bad-reputation massacre of Native Americans by U.S. troops in 1890. C. AIM began to splinter apart during 1970s. D. The 1990s have seen a severe revival of the organization. [单项选择]《灵枢•营卫生会》篇认为,老年人表现为()
A. 昼不精,夜不瞑 B. 不昼瞑 C. 夜瞑 D. 昼精 E. 夜昼不瞑 [单选题]在万用表电压测量电路中,可按照电压灵敏度与电流灵敏度的( )关系确定附加电阻阻值。
A.倒数 B.-函数 C.-反比 D.-正比 [单选题]单选题不间断电源主机设备断电检修前,应先确认负荷已经( )。
A.转移或清除 B.转移或关闭 C.投运 D.清除或关闭" [判断题]采用电话闭塞法行车时,车站发出挂有区间返回的后部补机时,应发给补机司机一张路票。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]强心苷中毒引起心律失常与下列心肌电生理特性改变有关的是
A. 浦肯野纤维自律性降低 B. 窦房结自律性增高 C. 迟后除极触发活动即致异位节律的出现 D. 房室传导性的严重抑制 E. 窦房结自律性的显著降低 [判断题]驾驶人有使用其他车辆保险标志嫌疑的,交通警察可依法扣留车辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 法律对社会发展能否起进步作用,决定于( )。
A. 是否适用一切经济基础的需要 B. 是否能积极地为自己的经济基础服务 C. 法律所服务的经济基础是否适应生产力的需要 D. 是否适应国家的需要 [单项选择]清末变法修律过程中制定的中国历史上第一部民法草案分别由日本法学家和礼学馆制定,属于礼学馆制定的部分是( )。
A. 总则 B. 债权 C. 物权 D. 继承 [单选题]车门站台门不联动,开门时要()。
A.先开车门,后开站台门 B.先开站台门,后开车门 C.同时开门 D.同时关门 [单项选择]测量工作长度,测量方法错误的是
A. 患者感觉法 B. 根管器械探测法 C. X线片根管测量法 D. 根管长度电测量仪 E. X线数字成像技术 [判断题]某行政机关实施行政处罚,擅自改变行政处罚种类、幅度的,其上级行政机关可以责令改正,但无权对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予行政处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者男性,65岁。确诊慢性支气管炎、肺气肿5年,此次再次发作,呼吸困难加重且伴发射入院,未吸氧。下列血气分析结果与之相符的是( )
A.PaO₂降低,PaCO₂升高 B.PaO₂正常,PaCO₂升高 C.PaO₂升高,PaCO₂正常 D.PaO₂升高,PaCO₂升高 E.PaO₂正常,PaCO₂降低 我来回答: 提交