Many features similar to those
aeronautical innovations developed by man can be observed amongst birds, insects
and plants. At times, observations of these natural phenomena have inspired man
to imitate nature and modify existing designs. At other times, the natural
example has only been recognized well after great amounts of time and valuable
materials have been devoted to refining a similar human invention. Birds deserve credit not merely for demonstrating flight was possible, but for providing templates for the shape of aircraft wings. The wings of birds suggested the pattern for leadingedge wing slots that improve ascent at slow speeds and for conical cambered wingtips that increase lift and stability. Other characteristics of bird wings, such as a tra A. model B. stereotype C. example D. figure [多选题]作业平台上有人作业时,作业车移动的速度不得超过10km/h,且不得( )。
A.冲击 B.急剧起 C.停车 D.刹车 [单选题]以下关于网络体系结构概念的描述中错误的是 。
A.网络体系结构是网络层次结构模型与各层协议的集合 B.所有的计算机网络都必须遵循OSI体系结构 C.网络体系结构是抽象的,而实现网络协议的技术是具体的 D.网络体系结构对计算机网络应该实现的功能进行精确定义 [单项选择]小番茄在生长过程需要及时整枝,整枝方式主要有()两种?
A. 单杆整枝、双杆整枝 B. 单杆整枝、三杆整枝 C. 双杆整枝、三杆整枝 D. 双杆整枝、四杆整枝 [判断题]( )专业管理与多部门管理相结合,这是我国设备管理的成功经验,应予继承和发扬。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]水域救援中,消防船可作为现场指挥部、力量中转站和人员休整保障点。____
A. 多为恶性生殖细胞瘤 B. 精原细胞瘤最常见 C. 多因睾丸无痛性,进行性增大就诊 D. 主要转移腹膜后淋巴结 E. 多发生在老年人 [单选题]催化裂化装置停3.5MPa蒸汽后,汽轮机为背压式的装置,装置内1.0MPa蒸汽系统蒸汽压力( )。
A.升高 B.不变 C.降低 D.以上都对 [判断题]要强化动力燃烧区,提高温度是最有效措施。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交