In the history of arts
patronage(资助,赞助), entrepreneurs-turned-connoisseurs(艺术品鉴赏家,行家) are a young
development. The world’s greatest museums the Louvre, Hermitage, Prado began as
lavish civilization-is-power statements by monarchs and emperors; private
individuals did not emerge as significant museum patrons before the 19th
century. Until a generation ago. those wanting to leave their mark in bricks
usually did so in a room of their own in a state museum: the Duveen Galleries at
Tate Britain, the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Gallery at New York’s Museum of
Modern Art. But in the past 15 years, that has changed: worldwide, collectors
seek immortality in glass and steel, through a museum of their own, designed by
an architect of their choosing. These are not latter-day Henry Tates or Pavel Tretyakovs, democratic visionaries who paid for buildings and dona A. Because far too more art are presented for public institutions to choose from. B. Because their collections might not be displayed due to the limited space. C. Because their collections are inferior in value to those in public institutions. D. Because they have fun showing and enjoying their collections of arts privately. [简答题]课外校外教育与课内教育没有共同之处。
[单选题]称为"相傅之官"的脏是( )
A.肾 B.肝 C.肺 D.心 E.脾 [填空题]
October 2, 2009 [单项选择]I hope that you'll be more careful in typing the letter. Don't ______ anything.
A. lack B. withdraw C. omit D. leak [单选题]妊娠早期最准确的检查方法( )。
A.B超发现宫内孕囊 B.妇科检查 C.末次月经推算 D.尿HCG测定 [单项选择]数据库系统与文件系统的最主要区别是【 】。
A. 数据库系统复杂,而文件系统简单 B. 文件系统不能解决数据冗余和数据独立性问题,而数据库系统可以解决 C. 文件系统只能管理程序文件,而数据库系统能够管理各种类型的文件 D. 文件系统管理的数据量较少,而数据库系统可以管理庞大的数据量 [填空题]我国最早采用班级授课制的是1862年清政府在北京设立的( )。
[判断题]新技规高铁部分规定,曲线地段线路中心线间( )距离可不加宽。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交