Trade{{/B}} Since the end of World War Ⅱ, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and{{U}} (51) {{/U}}materials are exported in{{U}} (52) {{/U}}for foreign currency, which means income wealth from{{U}} (53) {{/U}}and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with{{U}} (54) {{/U}}and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so{{U}} (55) {{/U}}that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a{{U}} (56) {{/U}}in the world A. substitute B. charge C. communication D. exchange [多选题]申请航空安全员执照,下列属于应当向地区管理局提交材料的是()。
A.身份证复印件 B.毕业证书复印件 C.符合要求的体检合格证复印件 D.航空安全员初任训练合格证明 [单选题]高电压等级的电缆宜敷设在低电压等级电缆的()。
A.上面 B.下面 C.高处 D.低处 [单项选择]类白血病反应常见于()
A. 感染 B. 恶性肿瘤骨转移 C. 有机磷农药或一氧化碳中毒 D. 急性溶血或出血 E. 外伤或大面积烧伤 [单选题]下颌中切牙的解剖特点不正确的是:
A.切缘平直 B.近远中切角约相等 C.唇面发育沟明显 D.切嵴靠近牙体长轴 E.单根形扁,远中面的长形凹陷较近中面者略深 [单选题]存款单位证实书遗失,可向开户行出具()并填写挂失申请,办理挂失手续。
A. 遗失公告 B. 情况说明 C. 证书遗失公函 D. 证明 [简答题]空调系统检查:用500V兆欧表测量带电部分对地绝缘和非带电部分的绝缘电阻不小于( )兆欧。《作业指导书 东风系列》
The Advantages of Being Helpless [A] At every stage of early development, human babies lag behind infants from other species. A kitten can walk slowly across a room within moments of birth and catch its first mouse within weeks, while its human counterpart takes months to make her first step, and years to learn even simple tasks, such as how to tie a shoelace or skip a rope. Yet, in the cognitive race, human babies turn out to be much like the tortoise (乌龟) in Aesop’s fable, emerging triumphant after a slow and steady climb to the finish. [B] Yet, this victory seems puzzling. In the fable, the tortoise wins the race because the hare takes a nap. But, if anything, human infants nap even more than kittens! And unlike the noble tortoise, babies are helpless, and more to the point, hopeless. They could not learn the basic skills necessary to their independent survival. How do human babies manage to turn things around in the [单选题]在竞价撮合系统中,上海证券交易所国债买断式回购交易每笔申报限量为最小____手、最大____手。()
A.1000;50000 B.100;5000 C.100;1000 D.1000;10000 [多项选择]肿瘤放射敏感性取决于().
A. 组织来源 B. 分化程度 C. 肿瘤的大体分型 D. 病人的一般情况 E. 是否转移 [简答题]按照B/T10426.1-2004《风力发电机组制动系统》规定,什么是风力发电机
组的制动系统? [单选题]在属性抽样中,如果保持其他因素不变,把置信水平从95%降到90%,将使样本量( )。
A.增加 B.减少 C.变动5% D.保持不变 [单选题]{A}对于树株看护的要求不包括()。
A.禁止牧放牛羊 B.砍伐更新 C.制止破坏 D.制止盗挖 [单选题]企业在经营过程中的资金融通、资金调度、资金周转可能出现的影响企业未来收益的不确定性因素是指( )。
A.行业风险 B.经营风险 C.财务风险 D.系统风险 [单项选择]根据企业破产法律制度的规定,下列有关和解程序的表述中,正确的是( )。
A. 对债务人的特定财产享有担保权的权利人,自人民法院裁定和解之日起可行使权利 B. 债务人、债权人均可提出和解申请,并经人民法院裁定许可 C. 和解协议草案未获债权人会议通过的,人民法院应当裁定中止和解程序 D. 经出席债权人会议的有表决权的债权人过半数同意,债权人会议即可决议通过和解协议草案 [单项选择]物流系统中各环节的相互衔御接及基本资源的高度都是通过()来实现的.
A. 物流线路 B. 物流信息 C. 物流结点 [填空题]夫四时阴阳者,()也。所以圣人春夏(),秋冬(),以从其根,故与万物沉浮于生长之门。万物之根本;养阳;养阴
A. 体轻,质松,易折断,断面粉质,显疏松层纹 B. 质松而韧,横断面可见外层为海绵状物,内层为许多小室,室内有卵 C. 质硬而脆,断面平坦,外层白色,中间有亮棕色或亮黑色的丝线环4个 D. 体轻,中空,易碎,表面黄棕色半透明 E. 体轻,骨质坚硬,“马头,蛇尾,瓦楞身” [单项选择]
A. letter B. news C. word D. information 我来回答: 提交