Why are so many people unhappy in their
jobs There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that
earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or
uncovering their true talents. If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can’t wait to get back to work." If you didn’t feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all- time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing somethi A. they are not permitted to change a job B. they have to work on to pay off their debts C. they have no other way out than keep working D. they have been working in a company for too long [单选题]钢架落地伸缩带式输送机的产品类型与特征代号按煤炭行业标准MT154.4-87规定表示为______。
A.SJS B.SSJ C.JSS D.DDJ [单项选择]患者,女,55岁,以"右眶下肿痛2周就诊"。查:右上颌尖牙残根,叩痛(+),唇颊沟饱满,触诊较软。右眶下区弥漫性肿胀,皮肤红,发亮,鼻唇沟消失。最可能的诊断是()
A. 盘状红斑狼疮 B. 慢性唇炎 C. 唇癌 D. 皮肤癌 E. 颊癌 [单选题]在尽头线上调车时,遇特殊情况,距线路终端必须近于( )时,要严格控制速度。
A.5 m B.10 m C.11 m D.33 m [多选题]对硫化氢的危险临界浓度描述正确的是( )。
A.会对生命和健康会产生不可逆转的或延迟性的影响 B.H2S的危险临界浓度为100ppm C.H2S的危险临界浓度为150ppm D.为硫化氢检测的三级报警值 E.10ppm等于15mg/m3 [填空题]3S005 微机变压器保护装置所用的电流互感器宜采用( )形接线,其相位补偿和电流补偿系数由( )实现。
A. 头颅过小 B. 头颅过大 C. 囟门迟闭 D. 颅呈方形 [判断题]更换钢轨作业时,无论该地段接触网是否停电,换轨前必须铜导线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]休克患者采取的合理体位是
A.平卧位 B.头低15°,足高25° C.头、躯干抬高10°左右,下肢抬高15°~20° D.侧卧位 E.下肢低垂10°~15° [单选题]关于子宫颈癌,下面说法正确的是
A.与早婚、早育、性生活紊乱、HPV感染有关 B.病理分型中,鳞状细胞癌仅占5%~10% C.宫颈癌主要转移途径是血行转移,淋巴转移为少数 D.癌灶局限于子宫颈为0期(原位癌) E.宫颈锥切活检是早期诊断宫颈癌的方法 我来回答: 提交