At the bottom of the world lies a
mighty continent still wrapped in the Ice Age and, until recent times, unknown
to man. It is a great land mass crisscrossed by mountain{{U}} (51)
{{/U}}whose extent and elevation are still uncertain. Much of the{{U}} (52)
{{/U}}is a complete blank on our maps. A 1,000-mile stretch of the coastline
has never been{{U}} (53) {{/U}}by any ship. Man has{{U}} (54)
{{/U}}, on foot, less than one per cent of its ares. Antarctica differs fundamentally from the Arctic regions. The Arctic is an ocean,{{U}} (55) {{/U}}with drifting packed ice and surrounded by the land masses of Europe, Asia, and North America. The Antarctic is a continent nearly as{{U}} (56) {{/U}}as Europe and Au stralia combined, centered roughly{{U}} (57) {{/U}}the South Pole an A. fresh B. cold C. strong D. rough [单选题]液压道岔季检修作业中,要求ZYJ7型液压转辙机工作电流为( )A。
A.1.5 B.1.8 C.2 D.2.2 [单项选择]冷却风量较为合理是()立方米/吨料·分钟。
A. 3.2 B. 32 C. 320 D. 3200 [单选题]()是做人的最重要、最根本的思想品质,是社会建立良好道德风尚的主观前提。
A.诚信 B.友善 C.勤俭 D.奉献 [单选题]裂解汽油加氢装置脱戊烷塔加热量不足的原因可能是__________。
A.塔底再沸器被胶质和聚合物堵塞 B.塔的进料量波动 C.塔顶回流量过小 D.塔底采出量波动 [多项选择]成品塔釜再沸器投入热源前,应确认()等。
A. 系统压力在指标范围内控制平稳 B. 成品塔回流泵的完好可用 C. 成品塔顶及排汽冷凝器盐水的已投用 D. 系统仪表工作正常 [判断题] 公安机关办理治安案件,对满6个月无人对扣押物品主张权利或者无法查清权利人的,应当公开拍卖或者按照国家有关规定处理,所得款项上缴国库
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用颚式破碎机时,必须在开机( )加料。
A.前 B.后 C.时 D.随意 [判断题]复曲线轨距加宽应在正矢递减范围内,从较大轨距加宽向较小轨距加宽均匀递减。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )应对微机型继电保护试验装置进行一次全面检测。
A.每年 B.每1~2年 C.每2~3年 D.每3~4年 [单选题](28155)工序基准、定位基准和测量基准都属于机械加工的( )。(1.0分)
A.粗基准 B.工艺基准 C.细基准 D.设计基准 [单选题] 下列哪组反应在线粒体中进行?
A.鸟氨酸与氨基甲酰磷酸反应 B.瓜氨酸与天冬氨酸反应 C.精氨酸与延胡索酸的生成 D.精氨酸分解成尿素 E.精氨酸代琥珀酸裂解反应 [判断题]附加导线系指接触悬挂以外的架空导线。包括供电线、加强线、正馈线、回流线、保护线、架空地线、架空避雷线等。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] One night in April 1912, a huge new ocean liner, the Titanic, was crossing the Atlantic. She was just about the most (36)_________ship that had ever been built. She was going very fast, which was (37)_________because there were icebergs in that (38)_________and it was very dark that night. The passengers were all having a good time when the ship suddenly (39)_________one of the icebergs.
The giant ship began to sink slowly but (40)_________. The entire ocean liner was in (41) _________. All the passengers were trying to (42)_________, but there were not enough lifeboats (43)_________on the ship since nobody thought they would be necessary. Eight white rockets were fired into the air in order to get help. Another ship, the Californian, was passing nearby. An officer and another sailor on it saw the rockets, but they thought perhaps people were having a party on board the ship and were just firing the rockets for fun. Anyway they did wake the captain. (44)_______________________
A.工作电极在手术部位 B.回路电极在手术部位 C.电流流经病人身体 D.利用高压电实现电凝、电切功能 [单选题]菜肴色彩的组配,( )的色彩起衬托、点缀、烘托的作用。
A.调料 B.主料 C.生料 D.辅料 [单选题]在居民区及交通道路附近开挖的基坑,应设坑盖或可靠遮栏,加挂警告标示牌,夜间挂()。
A.黄灯 B.绿灯 C.红灯 D.红外灯 [单项选择]加大全民普法力度,建设社会主义(),树立宪法法律至上、法律面前人人平等的法治理念。
A. 法治体系 B. 法治环境 C. 法治文化 D. 法治制度 [单选题]‗-36.某地区因重点水污染物氨氮指标未能完成总量削减要求而实行“区域限批”。根据《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》的有关规定,该地区下列建设项目应实行限批的是( )
A.城市河道改造项目 B.新建城镇污水处理厂项目 C.新建玉米深加工项目 D.城镇污水处理提标改造项目 [单选题]有甲、乙、丙、丁四个投资者,均申报买进X股票,申报价格和申报时间分别为:甲的买进价为10.75,时间为13:55;乙的买进价为10.40元,时间是13:55;丙的买进价为10.80元,时间是13:58;丁的买进价为10.40元,时间是13:38,则四位投资者的撮合成交顺序为( )
A. 丙、甲、乙、丁 B. 丁、乙、甲、丙 C. 丙、甲、丁、乙 D. 丁、乙、丙、甲 [填空题]半径大于800m的曲线正矢计划维修容许偏差管理值中,其他站线的圆曲线正矢连续差是( )mm。
A.5.2米/秒 B.3.7米/秒 C.2.9米/秒 D.10.4米/秒 我来回答: 提交