Developing countries are usually
vulnerable (易受伤的) to cigarette advertising. Until recently, some of them sold
tobacco only through government monopolies, with little or no attempt at
persuasion. And because most of these countries don’t have effective
anti-smoking campaigns, many of their people are surprisingly innocent of the
link between tobacco and diseases. In Manila, we even found cigarettes sold at a
snack bar operated by the local Boy Scouts. Many governments, moreover, are
reluctant to launch anti-smoking wars because they’re addicted to tobacco taxes.
Argentina gets 22.5 percent of all its tax revenue from tobacco; Malawi, 16.7
percent. Into this climate of neglect, American tobacco companies have unleashed (释放) not only the marketing ways that most of us take for granted, but other strategies they wouldn’t da A. Cigarette advertising can create a persuasive environment. B. Such advertisement poses curiosity among kids. C. American tobacco ads are misleading the adolescents. D. American tobacco industry is planting troubles in some developing countries. [单项选择]
青年男性,踢球时摔到,右肩着地,当时神志清,四肢感觉、运动消失,持续3分钟后恢复,即感肩部疼痛,呼吸困难。体检:右上肺皮下握雪感,右肺呼吸音弱,心率100次/分,右肩中外2/3处局部隆起、淤血,桡动脉搏动弱,四肢发凉,皮肤苍白,血压90/60mmHg(12/8kPa)。 伤后半年该患者出现右侧上下肢胀痛伴同侧手指麻木,其病因考虑可能为()A. 锁骨骨折伤及右侧桡神经 B. 手法复位粗暴,挫伤同侧臂丛神经 C. 形成的骨痂压迫臂丛神经 D. 肩颈部外伤导致继发性颈椎椎间盘突出症 E. 脊髓震荡导致脊髓水肿变性 [简答题]一天中,发生急性心肌梗死事件最多的是什么时间?
A.高空作业车 B.吊车 C.铲车 D.升降机 [单项选择]关于船舶优先权的具体内容,以下说法不正确的是:
A. 船舶优先权是物权 B. 船舶运营中发生的人身伤亡的赔偿请求应当先于船舶在营运中因侵权行为产生的财产损害赔偿请求优先受偿 C. 海难救助费用的给付请求应当先于船员工资的给付请求优先受偿 D. 后发生的海难救助费用的给付请求应当先于先发生的海难救助费用的给付请求优先受偿 [单选题]兼做回风井的装有带式输送机的井筒内必须设置______传感器。
A.甲烷 B.温度 C.一氧化碳 D.氧气 [判断题] 吊顶是分项工程。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]居住区的空间与环境设计,应遵循的原则包括( )。
A. 方便居民生活,有利组织管理 B. 建筑应体现地方风格、突出个性,群体建筑与空间层次应在协调中求变化 C. 合理设置公共服务设施,避免烟、气、尘及噪声对居民的污染和干扰 D. 注重景观和空间的完整性 E. 精心设计建筑小品,丰富与美化环境 [单选题]键连接属于( )。
A.可拆的活动连接 B.不可拆的固定连接 C.可拆的固定连接 D.不可拆的活动连接 [多选题]易燃液体危险特征有那几种( )
A.高度的易然性 B.毒害性 C.受热膨胀性 D.流动性 E.带电性 [简答题]为什么说新技术在市场营销中是一种创造性的毁灭力量?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]望妇人面色,若面色淡白无华者多为()
A. 脾虚 B. 气虚 C. 阳虚 D. 血虚 E. 阴虚 [简答题]露天进行航空器维修,当开启或关闭相应的口盖、包皮、及顶升航空器时,风速应符合该型航空器的哪类手册规定
[单项选择]霍华德的规划奠基于社会改革的理想,在其论述过程中更多体现对( )的关注。
A. 建筑、工程内容 B. 生态环境 C. 人文的关怀和社会经济 D. 解决“城市病” [单选题]SCL模型中数据属性列入标示为“M”代表( )。
A.可选 B.强制 C.取代 D.配置 [判断题]轧辊吊运到检查台时等待生产人员检查辊面时,操作人员可以离开现场,以免耽误其他作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]现场车间(施工监护组或项目部)应集体研究管内所有的营业线施工和邻营施工存在的安全风险,按月编制《施工项目盯控责任表》
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一般碱性焊条焊接应用( )。
A.直流正接 B.直流反接 C交流电源 [不定项选择题]某市拟调查了解该市居民家庭收入状况,为政府研究居民收入水平差异和制定有关政策提供依据,在调查前需要对调查方案作出设计,请结合下列选题,选出正确答案。
制订调查方案时应该考虑的主要内容包括( )。
A.确定调查目的和任务 B.明确调查对象和调查单位 C.制定调查项目和调查表 D.选择调查方式和方法,规定调查地点,时间及组织计划等 [判断题]( )《档案著录规则》中关于档案的定义是:“档案是人们在社会活动中形成的,保存起来以备查考的各种文件材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. "Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers" Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. "You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well" At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. It’’s a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.
At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin,56,who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992. On the financial front, Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce the company’’s mountainous debt, which will increase to $17.3 billion after two new cable deals close. He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but investors are waiting impa
A. stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression B. softened his tone and adopted some new policy C. changed his attitude and yielded to objection D. received more support from the 15-member board [填空题]确保和提高建筑工程质量必须从两方面着手,一是专业技术水平、二是()。
A. “中国现代民间绘画之乡” B. “中国绘画之乡” C. “中国民间绘画之乡” D. “中国近代民间绘画之乡” [单选题]KL-6的水平与肺功能各指标之间的相关性说法中错误的是( )
A. 与肺活量(VC)占预计值的百分比呈负相关 B. 与用力肺活量(FVC)占预计值的百分比呈负相关 C. 与FEV1% pred占预计值的百分比呈负相关 D. KL-6对类风湿性关节炎的诊疗有辅助作用 我来回答: 提交