Considering how jazz is transcribed in
Chinese (jueshi), you may be misled into assuming that it is an aristocratic
cultural form. Nothing could be further from the troth. It originated among
black Americans at the end of the 19th century, at a time when they occupied the
very bottom of the American social heap. So how has something that was created by a once downtrodden and despised minority acquired a central place in today’s American culture Perhaps the essence of America is that you could never get two Americans to agree on just what that might be. After thinking about it for a while, we might chuckle and say, "Hmm, seems like being American is a bit more complicated than we thought." Certainly things like individualism, success (the "American Dream"), innovation and tolerance stand out. But these A. Jazz and its history. B. Jazz and the soul of Africa. C. Jazz and its prospects. D. Jazz and the soul of America. [多选题]事故处理必须坚持“四不放过”原则,即事故原因未查清不放过、( )。
A.事故的防范措施未落实不放过 B.事故责任人员未处理不放过 C.整改措施未落实不放过 D.有关人员未受到教育不放过 [多选题]问题解决的特征为( )。
A.认知性 B.操作性 C.目标指向性 D.问题空间性 [多选题]《企业知识产权管理规范》规定了企业生产经营环节的知识产权管理要求,包括()等各环节。
A.立项 B.研究开发 C.采购 D.生产 E.人才培养 [单项选择]对窒息伤员的急救应立即将其移到安全*区域进行()
A. 心脏按压 B. 人工呼吸 C. 输血 [单选题]我国历史上曾有一些人因参与处理中央政权与少数民族政权的关系而知名,下列对应不正确的是( )。
A.霍去病--匈奴 B.岳飞--女真 C.文天祥--蒙古 D.于谦--鲜卑 [填空题]肾盂肾炎是_________炎症,伤寒是________炎症,病毒性肝炎是__________炎症,流行性乙型脑炎是_________炎症。
A.圆韧带 B.阔韧带 C.骨盆漏斗韧带 D.主韧带 E.宫骶韧带 [单选题]不涉及设备管线本体的动火作业,属地基层单位应距动火点()米范围内进行大气环境分析
A.A.5米 B.B.10米 C.C.15米 D.D.30米 [单项选择]在施工期间的质量监督中,对建设工程项目结构主要部位除了常规检查外,还要在分部工程验收时,要求建设单位将施工、设计、监理、建设方分别签字的质量验收证明在验收后()天内报监督机构备案。
A. 3 B. 7 C. 14 D. 21 [单选题]1773.1个完整的三羧酸循环中生成的NADH+H+,在进入氧化磷酸化后可以产生多少ATP
A.A.8 B.B.9 C.C.7.5 D.D.6 E.E.5 [单选题]设置带动道岔的目的是为了提高运输效率,在进路表中带动道岔用( )标注。
A.〈〉 B.〔 〕 C.[ ] D.{ } [单选题]从力学角度分析,牙齿移动最基本的形式为
A.旋转 B.转动 C.倾斜移动 D.整体移动 E.转矩移动 [单项选择]制作预埋件时,钢筋与钢板连接采用的焊接方法为( )。
A. 闪光对焊 B. 电弧焊 C. 电阻点焊 D. 电渣压力焊 [不定项选择题]A.母病及子
A.子病及母 B.相乘传变 C.相侮传变 D.母子同病 E.土壅木郁,体现的关系是 我来回答: 提交