A chain of shops in East Yorkshire, England has been
told that it would be a criminal offence to sell thousands of tubes of
toothpaste made by a leading French manufacturer simply because the small print
giving the firm importing it does not include the letters "UK". Under cosmetics
regulations implementing 25 separate European Union instructions, unless the
address is London, which is "a major city", the letters UK must be added. The
suppliers response, when Gordon Rodgers’s A2Z chain asked them to take back the
toothpaste, was that this would pose no problem, because trading standards
officials elsewhere in Britain do not bother about such fault-finding to a very
minute detail. A2Z, which sells a range of more than 10 000 household items from its 14 discount stores in Hull and East Yorkshire, first stumbled into these mysteri A. They sold fake product. B. They sold stolen goods. C. The product they sold was incorrectly labelled. D. They were not licensed to sell this product. [判断题]水带铺设的方式主要有垂直铺设、蜿蜒铺设、吊升铺设、消防梯铺设等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 以下关于中国电信光宽终端安装放置规范说法正确的选项( )。
A.光宽网络安装原则要求装维人员通过各种敷设方式捋光缆布放入户,必须利用已有的入户暗管穿放光缆入户 B.对已有用户家庭布线不合理的情况应进行适当调整,将捋线以点对点结构集中至汇聚点,一满足融合业务的开通,对于室内布线需走明显的,可采用隐性光纤进行布放 C.应充分利用用户家庭现有的家庭信息箱作为线缆汇聚点,信息箱内存放多个终端设备,应注意间隔,美观,堆叠放置 D.光宽终端设备安装处应尽可能具备220伏市电电源插座或引入试电电源 [单项选择]It is generally believed that ambition may be well regarded if ______.
A. its returns well compensate for the sacrifices B. it is rewarded with money, fame and power C. its goals are spiritual rather than material D. it is shared by the rich and the famous [判断题]岗位消防安全“四懂四会”中的四会是指:会报火警、会使用消防器材、会扑救初期火灾、会逃生自救。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]“农银私享·稳健·XX”固定期限组合系列产品的包括( ) 。
A.181 天 B.363 天 C.734 天 D.1097 天 [判断题]消防员灭火防护胶靴每次穿着后应用清水冲洗,洗净后放在阴凉、通风处晾干,直接日晒。易
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]P农村合作银行购入一笔债券作为可供出售金融资产管理,债券面值为10000万元,购入时支付价款为10050万元(净价),资产负债表日,由于市场价值发生变动,该笔债券的公允价值为10300万元。假设不考虑其他因素,P农村合作银行应如何处理。()
A. 250万元入公允价值变动损益 B. 300万元入公允价值变动损益 C. 250万元入资本公积 D. 300万元入资本公积 [判断题](170) 双闭环调速系统包括电流环和转速环。电流环为外环,转速环为内环。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交