People in the mass advertising business and others who study American society have been very interested in the question: What does the American consumer like Max Lerner, a well-known scholar who has studied American society, has said that American consumers are particularly fond of three things: comfort, cleanliness, and novelty.
Lerner believes that the American love of comfort perhaps goes back to the frontier experience, where life was tough and there were very few comforts. This experience may have created a strong desire in the pioneers and their children for goods that would make life more comfortable. Today, the American’s love of comfort is seen in the way they furnish their homes, design their cars, and travel. How Americans choose a new mattress for their bed is an example of the Americans love of comfort. Many Americans will go to a store where beds are set up, and they will lie down on several mattresses to see which one is the most comfortable.
A. the Americans’ great pride in their abundant natural resources
B. the early settlers’ belief in hard work
C. the pioneers’ strong desire to make life more comfortable
D. the pioneers’ ignorance of frugality and conservation
{{B}}Winged Robot Learns to Fly{{/B}} Learning how to fly took nature millions of years of trial and error --but a winged robot has cracked it in only a few hours, using the same evolutionary principles. Krister Wolff and Peter Nordin of Chalmers University of Technology (CUT) in Gothenburg, Sweden, built a winged robot and set about testing whether it could learn to fly by itself, without any pre-programmed data on what flapping is or how to do it. To begin with, the robot just twitched and jerked erratically. But, gradually, it made movements that gained height. At first, it cheated -- simply standing on its wing tips was one early short cut. After three hours, however, the robot abandoned such methods in favor of a more effective flapping technique, where it rotated its wings t A. It rotated its wings through 90 degrees. B. It twitched but gradually gained height. C. It was twitched and broke down. D. It landed not long after the test. [单选题]消防车按功能用途分时,干粉消防车属于( )消防车。
A.专勤 B.举高 C.轻型 D.灭火 [单项选择]象帽舞和长鼓舞都是()中富有特色且技艺性很强的舞蹈。
A. 水族舞 B. 朝鲜族舞 C. 黎族舞 [单选题]( ),是人与自然相处时应承担的重要责任。
A.、尊重自然 B.、顺应自然 C.、保护自然 D.、征服自然 [单选题]Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you’ll soon get tired _______ him.
A. of B. with C. at D. on [单项选择]齐步向后摆臂时,手臂自然伸直,手腕前侧距裤缝线约多少厘米()。
A. 25 B. 30 C. 35 D. 20 [多选题]公司客户经理-公司----(多选题)买方付息票据贴现业务的基本原则有:( )
A.贴现行在对《买方付息票据贴现业务补充协议》中列明的商业汇票办理贴现时,买方用于银行扣息的存款账户余额不得低于贴现利息总额。 B.买卖双方具有真实合法的商品或劳务交易,且销售合同约定销售款以商业汇票结算。 C.买方必须与贴现行签订有效的《买方付息票据贴现业务补充协议》。 D.办理该业务要严格遵守“先收妥贴现利息,再支付贴现金额”的原则。 [判断题]自感电动势的方向总是与电流方向相反的。
[判断题]高压电容器外壳有异形膨胀时,一般不需要将电容器立即退出运行.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]腧穴的主治特点包括近治作用、远治作用和()。
A. 调和作用 B. 平衡作用 C. 疏通作用 D. 扶正作用 E. 特殊作用 [单选题]关于主网备品配件定额动态预测,运检部换流站备品采购申报是每( )一次,可以根据不同型号设备附件发生更换备品故障次数来预测备品预采购数量。
A.周 B. 月 C. 季度 D. 年 [多选题]继电保护或电网安全自动装置定检后,以及二次回路改造后,应测量()之间的绝缘电阻,并做好记录;
A. A.交流回路 B.B.直流回路 C.C.直流回路之地 D.D.交流回路对地 [单选题]连续启动柴油机不得超过三次,每次启动的间隔时间应不少于( )。
A.2min B.4min C.6min 我来回答: 提交