Once the 12 Girls Band became popular,
similar groups predictably starting popping up. Musicat and Beautiful Youth 18
were formed last year. Both feature now-familiar formulas of attractive young
women playing different instruments in songs that combine modem music with
classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and
even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the girl
band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the
1980s. However, the undying rule is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and show creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itself because they are the only band that exclusively plays drums and A. They are the only band that exclusively plays drums and percussion instruments. B. They don’t make use of any instrument. C. All of them play the same kind of instrument. D. They play different instruments in songs that combine modern music with classic Chinese tunes. [多选题]施工单位自验收及监理初验中项目设计单位编制(),(),()。
A.设计总结报告 B.重点说明有关反事故措施的落实情况 C.设计变更情况及具体原因 D.可研初设审查报告 [多选题]套铣取套的施工步骤包括:( )、套铣水泥环、套铣管外裸眼封隔器、套铣断口部位等内容。
A.套铣管外水泥帽 B.加深套铣无水泥封固井段 C.适时取套 D.切割取套 [单选题]丰水季节承担调频任务的是(____)。
A.高温高压火电厂 B.中温中压火电厂 C.大水电厂 D.核电厂 [单项选择]积聚的基本病理为()
A. 气滞湿阻 B. 气滞痰阻 C. 气滞饮聚 D. 气滞血瘀 E. 气滞水停 [简答题]ZD-9电动转辙机分三级减速。
A. 增加 B. 减少 C. 改变 D. 不变 [单选题]图定货物列车对数()时,可连续安排施工天窗。
A.小于12对 B.大于12对 C.大于18对 D.小于18对 [判断题]取消电话闭塞法恢复正常行车规定:如已发车的列车和车站继续按电话闭塞法组织行车,运行至前方站后方可取消。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]视角转换:从不同角度对同一事物或现象从不同的角度加以观察、思考,从而获得新的认识。
A.横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同 B.山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 C.踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫 D.众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处 [多选题]在审查发现人发觉起火的情景时,应首先搞清的是()。
A.发现人在何时发现 B.发现人在何处发现 C.发现人怎样发现的 D.发现人所指部位处于何种状态 E.火灾如何扑救的 [简答题]四显示自动闭塞区段,进站色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光和一个黄色灯光时,其显示含义是什么? J415
[多选题]虚开增值税专用发票罪的客观方面表现为( )。
A.为他人虚开 B.为自己虚开 C.让他人为自己虚开 D.介绍他人虚开 我来回答: 提交