Passage 4
A hundred years ago it was assumed and scientifically "proved" by economists that the laws of society make it necessary to have a vast army of poor and jobless people in order to keep the economy going. Today, hardly anybody would dare to voice the principle. It is generally accepted that nobody should be excluded from the wealth of the nation, either by the law of nature or by those of society. The opinions are outdated, which were current a hundred years ago, that the poor owed their conditions to their ignorance, lack of responsibility. In all western industrialized countries, a system of insurance has been introduced which guarantees everyone a minimum of subsistence in case of unemployment, sickness and old age. I would go one step further and argue that, even if these conditions are not present, in other words, one can claim this substance minimum without having to have any "reason". I would suggest, however, that it should be li
A. doubt
B. fact
C. strong argument
D. wrong belief
While most armies in the world shun
their use, and military authorities exclude them from warfare, the technology to
produce biological and chemical weapons is widely available around the world.
{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, these weapons are cheap, easy to conceal, and very
{{U}} (68) {{/U}}. Since September 11, 2001, biological weapons
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} to have become the weapon of choice among the desperate
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} of the world. Some people are worried chemical
warfare may {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, which would bring an unbelievable disaster
to the whole world. Chemical weapons are {{U}} (72) {{/U}}in variety. Their effectiveness can be{{U}} (73) {{/U}} by several factors, including age, {{U}} (74) {{/U}}, weather conditions, and choice of dissemination. They include nerve agents, blister agents, and choking agents, all of {{U}} (75) A. justified B. determined C. checked D. fixed [单选题]线路允许速度v≤120km/h时,曲线半径R<300m时,线路轨距最大静态值为()。
A.1448mm B.1451mm C.1453mm D.1456mm [多选题]残缺.污损人民币兑换分()情况。
A.全额; B.四分之三额; C.半额; D.四分之一额。 [填空题]High-Tech Warfare (战争)
Today, high-tech warfare is no longer an abstract concept, but a real issue.
Technology______(51) tactics, sociology, and the development of weaponry (武器). It also causes the changes in battles. Then what are the new characteristics of modern battles______(52) by the application of high technologies
High4ech warfare naturally includes high technology. In modern battles, a single kind of weapon can hardly be ______(53). Various weaponry, such as intelligence detection and information processing, should______(54) well with each other. Aerial (航空的) weaponry becomes the main force in battles in the sky. Precision homing (精确自导) weaponry like cruise missiles and missiles______(55) satellite homing systems becomes the main attack weapons.
Battle control systems play a dominant role. Various weapons and logistics (后勤) systems are______(56) into a comprehensive framework, centrally representing the modern high4ech weaponry. Depending on various______(57) equi
A. A.replaced B.repeated C.rejected D.recovered [单选题]下面哪种物质变成液体是需要的温度最低?
A.氢气 B.二氧化碳 C.氯气 [判断题]冲洗及洗消后的污水要妥善处理,防止造成二次污染。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]品牌规律的业务运用不包括( )。
A.策划品牌推广 B.分析品牌的竞争状况 C.培养VIP客户 D.制定品牌策略 [判断题]中央预算单位因工作需要经批准可以开设两个或两个以上以上基本建设资金专用存款账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当发现低压配电箱、()箱体带电时,应断开上一级电源,查明带电原因,并作相应处理。
A.计量箱 B.塑料计量箱 C.树脂计量箱 D.金属计量箱 [简答题]病例摘要:王某,男,57岁,教师。1995年4月28日初诊。患者近5年来下痢脓血,每日大便2~3次,从1995年1月起大便1日4~5次逐渐增加到7~8次。乙状结肠镜检查:结肠黏膜血管扩张症,慢性结肠炎。病理报告:横结肠黏膜毛细血管扩张症,降结肠、乙状结肠黏膜组织示:慢性炎症。大便培养多次均无细菌生长,曾口服各种抗生素和中药,并用抗生素、中药灌肠治疗均无显效。现症见:大便1日4~5次,多则7~8次,泻下物为赤白夹杂或脓血稠黏如胨,虚坐努责,便下深红血液,脐下灼痛,心烦,寐少,口咽干燥。舌质红绛少津,苔花剥,脉细数,大便常规检查:脓球(+)、红细胞(+++)、白细胞(+)。答题要求:1.根据上述病例摘要,在答题卡上完成书面辨证论治。2.中医病证鉴别:请与泄泻相鉴别。
A. 对
B. 错
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 电网生产设备大修工作遵循以下原则( )
A.坚持依法合规 B.坚持精准投向 C.坚持分级负责 D.坚持协同推进 [填空题]生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得 的权利,并应当依法履行安全生产方面的义务。
[判断题]《资源税法》规定,收购未税矿产品的单位和个人,是资源税扣缴义务人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]免费乘车的儿童单独使用卧铺时,应购买全价卧铺票,不必购买空调票、座票、加快票。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]彩陶
[单选题]关于1956年中国社会的变化,表述不正确的一项是( )。
A.生产资料所有制形式发生了根本性变化 B.中国社会形态发生巨大变化 C.中国社会主要矛盾发生变化 D.新民主主义革命过渡到社会主义革命时期 [单选题]每一个职工必须( )好国家.企业和个人的关系。
A.认真对待 B.正确处理 C.清醒认识 D.自觉维护 [判断题]接入中性点直接接地,电压等级在110kV及以上,采用三相三线接线方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]女,10岁,阵发性腹痛,黑便2天,双下肢散在出血点,双膝关节肿胀,腹软,右下腹压痛,白细胞12.5×10^9/L,血小板200×10^9/L,血红蛋白110g/L,尿常规蛋白质(+),红细胞(+)/HP,颗粒管型0-3个/HP
A.细菌病毒 B.食物,如鱼、牛奶 C.某些药物 D.寒冷因素 E.放射性物质 [判断题]钢丝绳使用日久,钢丝绳出现锈蚀,所以应每周在表面添加机油。
A.解放思想 B.实事求是 C.与时俱进 D.求真务实 E.城乡协调 [多项选择]变压器内部故障()动作。
A. 瓦斯 B. 差动 C. 距离保护 D. 中性点保护 [简答题]政治经济学既研究政治关系,也研究经济关系。
[单选题]中华民族崇尚精神的优秀传统,表现在中国古人对理想的不懈追求上。下列 选项不包含古人对理想不懈追求的是( )。
A. “志士仁人,无求生以害人,有杀身以成仁” B. “兼相爱,交相利” C. “为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平” D. “知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者” [填空题]选择词语的正确词形( )
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