Politically, the nations of the world will become more tightly integrated because of rapidly improving telecommunications and transportation. A global culture will develop rapidly as the nations colonize each other. The emerging global culture will pick and choose is clothing style, culinary (烹饪用的) specialties, drinks, games, sports, customs, and other cultural artifacts from countries everywhere.
A network of superhighways will link up the nations of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Macroengineers now are talking enthusiastically about a tunnel under the Mediterranean at Gibraltar (直布罗陀) to link Europe with Africa. Construction might start early in the twenty-first century, but financing such a project poses a major challenge.
Meanwhile, superhighways will crisscross the Eurasian land massy allowing residents of Shanghai and Hong Kong to drive comfortably and rapidly to Paris, Rome, and Stockholm. Travelers in a hurry will, of course, still prefer to fly, especially ove
A. many people moving to live under the ocean
B. many people turning to ocean for more resources
C. coastal nations developing under-ocean traveling programs
D. many nations running into conflict over ocean claims
Alexandre-Gustave Boenickhausen Eiffel
was one of the 19th century’s master builders. Wielding iron in new ways, he
built bridges for the century’s burgeoning railways in Europe, South America and
Indochina. And after sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi designed a colossal,
151-foot statue of copper sheets in 1871, he turned to France’s magician of iron
for its internal skeleton. Thus Eiffel was instrumental in creating two of the
best-known monuments to liberty in the modern world—the Statue of Liberty and
the Eiffel Tower, which was built to mark the centennial of the French
Revolution. During the Nazi occupation in World War II, the tower’ s personnel sabotaged the elevators to deprive the enemy of a view of Paris. (Hitler, who refused to climb the 1710 steps to the top, posed for his picture with the tower in the background A. Despite its iron structure, the tower is light in weight. B. The tower is strong against the wind. C. On August 25, 1944, two Parisians hoisted the French national flag on top of the tower in risk of their lives. D. The German invaders destroye4~ the elevators of the Tower during World War Ⅱ. [简答题]简述抗联文化。
[多选题]设备故障时的客流组织分为( )。
A.A.垂直电梯故障 B.B.扶梯故障 C.C. 站台门故障 D.D.AFC设备故障 [单选题]风力大于( )级时禁止攀登油罐作业。
A.4 B.6 C.8 [单选题]晶闸管的控制角越大,则输出电压( )。
A.越高 B.移相位 C.越低 D.越大 [简答题]车辆安检员检验车辆的质量要求是什么?
根据上述材料,回答下列问题: 住房信贷新政策的实施,可能产生的效应有( )。 A. 打击投机性购房 B. 鼓励投资性购房 C. 抑制房价过快增长 D. 限制房地产业发展 [单选题]全身散在斑丘疹,疱疹等特点符合
A.水痘 B.重症肺炎 C.百日咳 D.麻疹 E.猩红热 [判断题]发电机冒烟、着火或爆炸,应立即将发电机解列。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]运用物质和意识关系的原理,论述在创立充满生机和活力的社会主义市场经济体制的同时,必须加强社会主义精神文明建设。
[多选题]《配电安规》低压配电线路和设备检修,应断开所有可能来电的电源(包括解开电源侧和用户侧连接线),对工作中有可能触碰的相邻带电线路、设备应采取( )措施。
A.停电 B.绝缘遮蔽 C.可靠 D.装设遮栏 [单项选择]______ enables us to know the past and to use it in preparing for the future.
A. Beauty B. Truth C. Language D. Thought [单选题]固定发电工况下,启动发电机的端电压在柴油机达到额定转速时,才可达到( )。
A.96V B.105V C.110V 我来回答: 提交