Many years ago, when I worked (61) a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was (62) a rare and serious disease. Her only (63) of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion (输血) (64) her 5 - year- old brother, (65) had amazingly (66) the same disease and had developed the antibodies (抗体) needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the (67) to her little brother, and asked the boy if he (68) give his blood to his sister. I saw him (69) for only a moment before (70) a deep breath and saying, "Yes, I’ll do it if it will save Liz." As the transfusion (71) , he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, (72) we all did, (73) the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face (74) pale and his smile (75) . He looked up at the doctor and asked in a (an) (76) voice, "Will I start to die (77) " Being young,
A. therefore
B. after all
C. althought
D. at last
A major reason for conflict in the
animal world is territory. The male animal (21) an area. The
size of the area is sufficient to provide food for him, his (22)
and their offspring. Migrating birds, for example, (23)
up the best territory in the order of "first come, first
(24) ." The late arrivals may acquire (25)
territories, but less food is available, or they are too close to the
(26) of the enemies of the species. (27)
there is really insufficient food or the danger is very great, the animal will
not (28) . In this way, the members of the species which are
less fit will not have offspring. When A. wishes B. considers C. thinks D. decides [单项选择]项目融资作为一种新的融资模式,为解决建设资金的短缺问题提供了一条新的思路,与传统的融资方式相比,项目融资具有很多新的特点,下列各项中,不属于项目融资基本特点的是( )。
A. 以项目本身为主体安排的融资 B. 实现项目融资的无追索或有限追索 C. 所有风险均由项目发起人承担 D. 融资成本相对较高 [多选题]当丙烯进料量等其它影响因素一定时,( )均会导致反应出口气体中尾氧含量升高。
A.提气烯比(空比) B.丙烯纯度上升 C.降低反应温度 D.反应压力升高 [单选题]浇筑基础立柱及各底断面尺寸的负偏差不得大于( )。(GB 50233—2014《110kV~750kV架空输电线路施工及验收规范》6.2.17)
A.1% B.2% C.3% D.5% [单选题]( )不是路堤组成部分。
A.路基面 B.路堤边坡 C.天然护道 D.弃土坑 [多选题]14、生产经营单位不得关闭、破坏直接关系生产安全的( )、设施,或者篡改、隐瞒、销毁其相关数据、信息。
A.A、监控 B.B、报警 C.C、防护 D.D、救生设备 [单选题]凡影响行车、人身安全的施工和维修作业及发生线路故障地点,均应设置( )。
A.红牌 B.慢行牌 C.作业标 D.防护 [判断题]木制堵漏楔由软化处理的白松木加工制成,质地较软,尺寸齐全。堵漏楔经专门绝缘处理,防裂不变形。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为了保证安全资料的真实性有效性和完整性,施工单位安全资料不得随工程进度同步形成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]预防局麻药中毒的措施是()。
A. 老年状态不佳适当减量 B. 加缩血管药 C. 较低的有效浓度 D. 注药前回吸 [判断题]火势一般是由烧的轻的部位向烧的重的部位蔓延的。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]期货交易所应当按照国家有关规定建立、健全的风险管理制度包括()。
A. 保证金制度 B. 结算担保金制度 C. 当日无负债结算制度 D. 持仓限额和大户持仓报告制度 [判断题]使用交叉磁轭装置时,四个磁极断面与检测面之间应尽量贴合,最大间隙不应超过1.5mm。
A.A-工作票或派工单 B.B-任务单 C.C-工作记录 D.D-口头、电话命令 [单项选择]既能凉血止血,又能清肺胃热、清热利尿的药物是()
A. 白茅根 B. 地榆 C. 侧柏叶 D. 苎麻根 E. 小蓟 [判断题]压力系数表示法,是个比值有单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]追诉期限从犯罪之日起计算;犯罪行为有连续或者继续状态的,从犯罪行为终了之日起计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述髋关节牵引的松动操作程序(患者体位、治疗师体位、松动手法)。
A.30% B.40% C.50% D.80% E.90% [单选题]火灾使人致命的最主要的原因是( )。
A.被人践踏 B.窒息 C.烧伤 [单选题]线路大、中修经过道口时,应更换失效及不符合要求的道口铺面板和护轨,整修两
侧平台及( )。 A.排水设备 B.两侧线路外观 C.道口标志 D.道口轮缘槽 [单选题]同步发电机与大电网并联运行时功率因数是由()决定的。
A.电压和电流 B.负载 C.有功功率和无功功率 D.不确定 [填空题]每台空调机组内的部件启动顺序为___、___、___。如果顺序在前的设备没有启动,则顺序在后的设备不允许启动。
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