In 1830, only a few miles away from
what is now the great city of Cincinnati, lay an immense and almost unbroken
forest. The whole region was sparsely settled by people of the frontier—restless
souls who no sooner had hewn fairly habitable homes out of the wilderness and
attained to that degree of prosperity which today we should call indigence,
then, impelled by some mysterious impulse of their nature, they abandoned all
and pushed farther westward, to encounter new perils and privations in the
effort to regain the meagre comforts which they had voluntarily renounced. Many
of them had already forsaken that region for the remoter settlements, but among
those remaining was one who had been of those first arriving. He lived alone in
a house of logs surrounded on all sides by the great forest, of whose gloom and A. She was a character with great charm and beauty. B. More imaginary space about her life was left. C. She used to entertain other people in her house. D. She was young, delicate and devoted. [单选题]动车组无动力回送,制动可用时限速120km/h,制动不可用时限速( )。
A.5km/h B.60km/h C.15km/h D.25km/h [单项选择]关于非特异性免疫,下列说法错误的是()。
A. 是人体在长期的种系发育与进化过程中逐渐建立起来的一系列防卫功能 B. 在机体出生时即有 C. 针对某一抗原物质 D. 一般不因与同一物质接触的次数的多少而有所递减 E. 在口腔这个特殊环境中,主要由口腔黏膜、口腔淋巴组织、唾液、龈沟液等组成 [单项选择]One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is, of course, the voice of the advertisers. Its striking clamor dominates our lives. It shots at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers, waves to us from every page of the newspaper picks at our sleeves on the escalator, signals to us from the roadside billboards all day and flashes messages to us in coloured lights all night. It has forced on us a whole new conception of the successful man as a man no less than 20 % of whose mail consists of announcements of giant carpet sales.
Advertising has been among England’s biggest growth industries since the war, in terms of the ratio of money earnings to demonstrable achievement. Why all this fantastic expenditure Perhaps the answers is that advertising saves the manufactures from having to think about the customer. At the stage of designing and developing a product, there is quite enough to think about without worrying over whether anybody will want to buy A. know deep down what they really want B. are interested in what is being designed C. are indifferent to what is being advertised D. are uncritical and impressionabl [不定项选择题]男孩,2岁,因呕吐频繁、水样便3天伴发热,于10月底入院,12小时无尿,查体:T 38℃,颜面苍白,皮肤弹性极差,眼窝凹陷,心肺听诊无异常,腹稍胀,肝脾无肿大,跟腱反射未引出,四肢末梢微冷,实验室检查:血钠138mmol/L。
最可能的诊断是( )。
A.真菌性肠炎 B.产毒性大肠埃希菌肠炎 C.轮状病毒肠炎 D.致病性大肠埃希菌肠炎 E.侵袭性大肠埃希菌肠炎 [多选题]井上、下配电系统图应注明设备的( ),电流等主要技术参数及其他技术性能指标。
A.规格 B.型号 C.容量 D.电压 [多项选择]可以有效地减少蔬菜中营养素的流失的方法是?()
A. 吃新鲜蔬菜 B. 先洗再切 C. 洗切后尽快烹调 D. 放点盐 [单选题]风挡由相同的可以联接在一起的两半组成,并包括两个()。
A.扶手 B.踏脚 C.锁闭器 D.渡板 [单项选择]この辞書は、字が小さいので、読み( )。
A. かねる B. がたい C. づらい D. 得ない [多选题]《铁路运输调度规则》(普速铁路部分)第十三条规定,( )时,必须逐级向上级客运调度报告。
A.站、车发生意外情况,工作人员不能正常作业 B.因特殊原因,临时造成旅客、行包积压,不能及时输送 C.因误售车票出现旅客误乘、漏乘 D.因错、漏传调度命令,错挂或漏挂车辆,造成旅客不能正常乘车 [单项选择]下列属于证的表述是()
A. 麻疹 B. 水痘 C. 头痛 D. 风热感冒 E. 恶寒 [单选题]对盛装液化气体的储存容器,应严格按照规定的( )充装。
A.压力 B.容积 C.充装系数 D.温度 [单项选择]我国合理开发和保护旅游资源,改善基础设施,推进红色旅游,属于“十一五”规划中( )的任务。
A. 拓展生产性服务业 B. 丰富消费性服务业 C. 优化发展能源工业 D. 积极发展信息服务业 [单项选择]导致双颞侧偏盲最常见的病变部位是()
A. 视放射 B. 视神经 C. 视束 D. 视交叉 E. 外侧膝状体 [单选题]根据《社会保险基金财务制度》(财社〔2017〕144号)第十三条规定,地方各级管理的社会保险基金可以用于( )
A.购买地方债 B.购买理财产品 C.存3年定期存款 D.借给政府投入公共设施建设 [单项选择]采用双倍余额递减法计算折旧时,其正常折旧率()。
A. 各年相等 B. 逐年提高 C. 逐年降低 D. 前几年提高,后几年降低 [单选题]可摘局部义齿基托与天然牙的接触关系哪项不正确
A.腭(舌)侧基托边缘与天然牙轴面非倒凹区接触 B.应进人基牙邻面倒凹区 C.前牙区基托边缘在舌隆突上 D.基托对天然牙无压力 E.近龈缘区基托要做缓冲 我来回答: 提交