Shakespeare{{/B}} When talking about the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatist, only one name can possible suggest itself;that of William Shakespeare. Nearly every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of this greatest writer. We use words, phrases and quotations form Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of English-peaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we use. For example, and old lady, after seeing a performance of Hamlet complained, "It was full of well-known proverbs and quotations!" Shakespeare made full use of the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our norma A. Shakespeare used an enormous number of words of the English language. B. Shakespeare expressed his appreciation of the richness of the English language. C. Shakespeare studied the various usages of the English language. D. Shakespeare tried to maintain the original meaning of many English words. [多项选择]居住在甲市A区的徐某与住在同市B区的郑某签订了一份书面财产租赁合同,约定将郑某所有的机械设备拿到C区和D区使用,徐某支付租金。同时双方又约定如因合同发生纠纷,由双方住所地的任一个区人民法院审理。后来双方在履行合同过程中发生纠纷,徐某提起诉讼。那么以下哪些法院对此案件有管辖权
A. A区人民法院 B. B区人民法院 C. C区人民法院 D. D区人民法院 [填空题]Italians are known for them and (36) suggest they may have originated in the Middle East but (37) said Wednesday the world’s oldest known noodles, dating back 4, 000 years, were made in China.
"Our discovery (38) that noodles were first produced in China about 4, 000 years ago," Lu Hou Yuan from the Chinese Academy of Science said in an interview. The noodles were (39) in an overturned, sealed bowl in an archaeological site near the Yellow River in north west China. Until the (40) , reported in the science journal Nature, the (41) written account of noodles was in a book written during the East Han (42) in China sometime between 25 and 220. "This is the (43) evidence of noodles ever found," said Lu. (44) . The scientists think a large earthquake and catastrophic flooding probably destroyed the ancient settlement where they were discovered. (45) . Wheat w [单项选择]下列各项中,会降低债权人债权价值的是( )。
A. 改善经营环境 B. 扩大赊销比重 C. 举借新债 D. 发行新股 [单项选择]社会工作的专业使命是()。
A. 构建和完善社会工作专业的理论和方法 B. 使社会工作专业有别于其他服务专业,成为服务专业中的佼佼者 C. 通过提供专业服务解困济贫,维护脆弱群体的权益,发展他们的潜能,从而恢复和增强其社会功能,最终提升其生活福利水平 D. 增强社会工作者的社会责任,丰富其人文情怀修养,使社会工作者具有强烈的个人实现感,大大提升个人的生命价值 [单项选择]Ⅱ度子宫脱垂是
A. 宫颈外口距处女膜缘<4cm B. 宫颈已脱出阴道口,宫体仍在阴道内 C. 宫颈外口达处女膜缘 D. 宫颈及宫体全部脱出至阴道口外 E. 宫颈外口距处女膜缘<2cm [判断题]根据《生产事故(事件)调查处理规定》,事故(事件)发生的直接原因是设备(物质)或环境的不安全状态和人的不安全行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 扑救医院的灭火运用“强攻近战、固移结合、确保重点,减少伤亡”等战术措施,迅速消灭火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轮椅护送患者时,操作正确的是
A.轮椅后背与床尾平齐 B.翻起脚踏板,背向床头 C.翻起脚踏板,背向床尾 D.如无车闸,护士可站在轮椅前固定轮椅 E.使用后检查轮椅性能,下次备用 我来回答: 提交