Organizers of the Athens Olympic Games, slated to kick off in a little over five weeks, are racing against the clock to complete major sports venues and the transportation systems that will be crucial to the games’ success. But the people involved in the project are convinced that everything will be ready on time. It has been a desperate scramble these last few months to have everything ready by August 13 ,when the games will return to the country of their birth. Athens won its bid to host the games in 1997 ,but the organizational effort has been bogged down in a mire of bureaucratic fighting, missed deadlines and cost over-runs. Only in the last three years, have the organizers, the government and construction firms managed to get their collective act together. And, since March, when a new government took power and made the Olympics its overriding priority, the general feeling in Athens is that things are now on track.
Stratis Stratigis, the first chairman of the o
A. Athens.
B. Atlanta.
C. Sydney.
D. New York.
More and more of the world’s supply of
seafood is coming from farms. Although 80% of the world’s seafood comes from marine harvests, there is a major shift under way toward aquaculture now. Nearly 40% of salmon marketed today are raised in captivity, compared with 6% a decade ago. Forty percent of all clams, oysters, and mussels are produced in farm environments, along with 65% of freshwater fish. Between 1990 and 1996, fish-farming production rose from 12.4 million to 23 million tons worldwide, writes Anne Platt McGinn in an article for World Watch magazine. "The fact that world seafood supplies continue to increase at all is due almost entirely to the phenomenal growth in aquaculture," says McGinn, a research associate at the World Watch Institute. Commercial aquaculture is driven by rising human population at a A. the major resource of seafood B. a pollution-flee industry C. the major source of protein D. an industry of sustainable development [多项选择]待用间隔应有(),并列入调度管辖范围。
A. 名称 B. 防误装置 C. 必要的安全设施 D. 编号 [单项选择]()可以形成芽孢,并可以在自然界长期存活
A. 牛结核分枝杆菌 B. 炭疽芽孢杆菌 C. 猪丹毒杆菌 D. 副猪嗜血杆菌 E. 里氏杆菌 [多选题]下列关于“以手触试”的说法不正确的是( )。
A.工作间断,安全措施不变的情况下,重新办理许可手续时须再次进行“以手触试” B.对于所有停电许可的工作,都应进行“以手触试” C.应“以手触试”的设备包含:厂站内电压等级在35kV及以下、高度在2m以下的一次设备导体部分 D.由厂站工作许可人确定需要“以手触试”设备的具体部位 [判断题]上限位开关动作后,电梯不能下行响应下面层站召唤信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲住在乙的楼上。甲经常在深夜以很大的声音放音乐,严重影响了乙的休息。乙要求甲关掉录音机,甲以“我有权利在我的房子里放音乐”为由,拒绝了乙的要求。甲的行为违反了民法的( )原则。
A. 公平 B. 自愿 C. 等价有偿 D. 禁止权利滥用 [单项选择]在运动技能的学习过程当中,学生表现出紧张、动作不协调的状态,并且有多余的动作,这是哪一个阶段的表现形式?()
A. 泛化阶段 B. 分化阶段 C. 巩固阶段 D. 自动化阶段 [单选题]接近色灯信号机显示一个黄色灯光,表示进站信号机在( )。
A.关闭状态 B.开通状态 C.遮断状态 [单项选择]I have something important to talk over with you. Can you ______ to be here at 8 o'clock
A. conceive B. manipulate C. assume D. contrive [简答题]简述戊戌维新运动失败的原因和教训
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交