Currently, the American armed forces are the largest professional military on the planet. Other (1) have professional soldiers, (2) not as many as the United States. For thousands of years, it was (3) that professional soldiers were superior to (4) timers. But (5) most of history, few nations could (6) an army of professionals, at least not on a permanent basis. It washt (7) the late 20th century that countries began to (8) large, permanent, all-volunteer armed forces that were carefully (9) and trained for combat. Britain was the first, when it phased out conscription in 1962. In 1975, the United States followed (10) . For over a century, conscription has been seen (11) the way to remain (12) strong without breaking the bank. But the conscripts did not stay in uniform long enough to get really good at fighting. Britain and American were the first two nations to realize that conscription was so
A. establish
B. integrate
C. intervene
D. facilitate
Music comes in many forms; most
countries have a style of their own.{{U}} (21) {{/U}}the turn of the
century when jazz (爵士乐) was born, America had no prominent{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was{{U}} (23)
{{/U}}, or by whom. But it began to be{{U}} (24) {{/U}}in the early
1900s. Jazz is America’s contribution to{{U}} (25) {{/U}}music. In
contrast to classical music, which{{U}} (26) {{/U}}formal European
traditions. Jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy,
{{U}} 27 {{/U}}moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the
1920s, jazz{{U}} (28) {{/U}}like America. And{{U}} (29) {{/U}}it
does today. The{{U}} (30) {{/U}}of this music are as interesting as the music{{U}} (31) {{/U}}, American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today were the Jazz{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. They we A. music B. song C. melody D. style [判断题]列车在区间运行中发生分离,应确认分离车辆的车钩状态,符
合连挂条件时,应与分离车辆连挂妥当并进行自动制动机简略试验后,继 续运行到前方站停车处理。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为方便旅客,某航空公司拟开发一个机票预定系统。旅行社把预定机票的旅客信息(姓名、性别、工作单位、身份证号码、旅行时间、旅行目的地等)输入进入该系统,系统为旅客安排航班,印出取票通知和账单,旅客在飞机起飞的前一天凭取票通知和账单交款取票,系统校对无误即印出机票给旅客。写出问题定义并分析系统的可行性。
[填空题]You really ought to have a doctor (examine) ______ that eye.
[单选题]CTCS-2车站列控电源屏供电电压应在AC220V~( )内。
A.230V B.235V C.240V D.250V [填空题]>压缩机吸气管结霜的原因是( )。
[单选题] ( )执照持有者可担任相应机型的飞行教员。
A.D类 B.C类 C.B类 D.A类 [单项选择]()应对商业银行经营活动的合规性负最终责任。
A. 监事会 B. 董事会 C. 股东大会 D. 高级管理层 [填空题]《钢轨探伤管理办法》中规定双轨探伤仪线路非检测时运行速度≤20km/h,检测时速度≤<--NRC-->km/h,遇小半径曲线、长大坡道或轨面状态不良等地段,应适当降低检测速度并及时调整探轮。
[单项选择]By citing the Sept. 11 case, the author purports to suggest that the planned DHS is ______.
A. not well-organized B. not inclusive enough C. too costly D. too huge [单选题]列车发现造成食物中毒或可能致食物中毒的食品及其原料时,应封存保留,经( )检验后,属于被污染的食品,予以销毁或监督销毁;未被污染的食品,予以解封。(《南昌铁路局站车食物中毒事故客运组织应急预案》(南铁客〔2017〕21号)第4.4条)
A.医院 B.防疫部门 C.医院或防疫部门 D.疾控所 我来回答: 提交