Harriet Beecher Stowe had poured her
heart into her anti-slavery book," Uncle Tom’s Cabin". But neither she nor
her first publisher thought it would be a big success. (78) The publisher was
so doubtful that he wanted her to split the publishing costs with him, and all
she hoped was that it would make enough money for her to buy a new silk
dress. But when the first 5,000 copies were printed in 1852, they sold out in two days. In a year the book had sold 300,000 copies in the United States and 150,000 in England. For a while it outsold (销得比…多) every book in the world, except the Bible. Within six months of its release, a play was made from the book which ran 350 performances in New York and remained America’ s most popular play for 80 years. (79) It might appear that" Uncle Tom’ s Cabin" was universally popular, bu A. Harriet knew that it would be a great success B. the publisher wanted Harriet to publish it at her own expense C. nobody knew that it would become a very popular book D. no publisher wanted to publish this anti-slavery book [单项选择]链表是一种采用存储结构存储的线性表()
A. 顺序 B. 链式 C. 星式 D. 网状 [多项选择]TORCH综合征包括下述哪些疾病()
A. 弓形虫病 B. 风疹 C. 结核病 D. 巨细胞包涵体病毒 E. 单纯疱疹 [判断题]动车组采用机车调车作业时,调车人员负责车钩连结与摘解、软管摘结。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试分析旅游目的地或企业在制定旅游促销组合策略时应主要考虑哪些因素?
A.消火栓。 B.水桶 C.烟感系统。 D.应急照明 [判断题]一张工作票中,工作票签发人、工作负责人和工作许可人三者不得互相兼任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者在思维中断的过程中体验到当时的思维被某种外力抽走的感觉,精神症状称为()
A. 思维阻滞 B. 强制性思维 C. 思维被夺 D. 思维破裂 E. 思维奔逸 [单项选择]X射线透过有缺陷处的强度比无缺陷处的强度大,因而,射线作用在胶片上使胶片感光的程度()。
A. 较弱 B. 较强 C. 很弱 D. 不确定 [单项选择]封锁是一种强制措施,发生动物疫病时,决定和发布封锁令的机关是()
A. 县畜牧局 B. 县动物防疫监督所 C. 省畜牧厅 D. 县级以上人民政府 [单项选择]中压锅炉风机安装应根据项目特征,以“()”为计量单位,根据图示尺寸计算工程量。
A. m2 B. 台 C. 套 D. t [单选题]加工动物性茸泥时选择蛋白质高的原料,其目的是( )。
A.有利于入味 B.增加吸水性 C.提高营养 D.便于成熟 [单项选择]
A person becomes part of the Christian community through baptism — it is a matter of choice (21) birth. The Christian community is a gathered community (22) who believe that Jesus is the Christ and that they have salvation (23) . It is open to males and females of any age, race, or (24) . A Christian is normally affiliated with a particular parish or congregation that is (25) the care of a particular clergy-person A baptized person is usually (26) a Christian by all Christians everywhere: however, there may be some additional requirements to meet if a person (27) to a church of a different tradition. [单选题]按照《110kV及以下配电网规划技术指导原则》,配电网规划是指:
A.220kV及以下电压等级电网规划 B.110kV及以下电压等级电网规划 C.35kV及以下电压等级电网规划 D.10kV及以下电压等级电网规划 [单选题]当压力容器的工作压力.介质温度或壁温超规定值时,操作人员( )。
A. 应当迅速离开现场 B. 应报告安全管理人员处理 C. 当立即采取措施仍得不到有效控制时应及时报告并紧急停车 [判断题]电弧加热是得到广泛应用的最理想的加热方式之一。()
[判断题] 危险源辨识时可以不考虑外单位提供的设备设施带来的危险源。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]办理现金出纳业务必须坚持日清日结。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在变、配电站内工作,工作中需要加装接地线,可使用施工班组自带的接地线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有关伤口的一期愈合,正确的是()
A. 创缘整齐,组织破坏少,炎症反应轻 B. 经缝合,创缘对合好 C. 表皮再生,少量肉芽组织从伤口边缘长入 D. 表皮生长慢,则由肉芽组织代替 E. 愈合后有少量瘢痕形成 我来回答: 提交