In the wake of 11 September, Visionics,
a leading manufacturer, issued a fact sheet explaining how its technology could
enhance airport security. They called it "protecting civilization from the faces
of terror". The company’s share price skyrocketed, as did the stocks of other
face-recognition companies, and airports across the globe began installing the
software and running trials. As the results start to come in, however, the gloss (光滑表面) is wearing off. No matter what you might have heard about face-recognition software, Big Brother it ain’t. The concern was based largely on an independent assessment of face-recognition systems carried out in 2000 in the U. S. by the Department of Defense. These tests found that to catch 90 per cent of suspects at an airport, face-recognition software would have to raise a huge number of f A. The computers are not so advanced. B. The faceprints of the mugshots fed in the computers are never identical with those of real persons. C. It is very hard for the operators to learn to control the system. D. People seldom look straight at the camera. [多项选择]关于非ACTH依赖性皮质醇症的病因,下列哪些是正确的()
A. 垂体或下丘脑腺瘤或增生 B. 肾上腺皮质腺瘤 C. 某些肺癌或胰腺癌 D. 肾上腺皮质腺癌 E. 长期使用糖皮质类激素引起的皮质醇症 [单选题] 在低压三相四线制回路中,要求零线上不能()
A.装设电流互感器 B.装设电表 C.安装漏电保护器 D.安装熔断器 [单选题]除双方当事人意思表示一致以外,尚须交付标的物才能成立的合同,成为()。(2014)
A.要式合同 B.实践合同 C.有偿合同 D.双务合同 [判断题]董事会的决议违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程、股东大会决议,致使公司遭受严重损失的,参与决议的董事对公司负赔偿责任。但经证明在表决时曾表明异议并记载于会议记录的,该董事可以免除责任。()
A.使用抗生素前 B.寒战时 C.寒战前 D.发热时 E.发热前 [单选题] 新老兵运输, 同一硬座车厢载有( ) 时, 各站及列车不得再发售该车厢的客票。
A. 80 名以上老兵 B. 60 名以上老兵 C. 70 名以上老兵 D. 50 名以上老兵 [单项选择]分馏系统在停车过程中塔顶回流罐液位不降反升的原因,分析不正确的是()
A. 塔顶温度低 B. 回流泵抽空 C. 塔釜温度高 [单选题]錾削硬钢或铸铁等硬材料时, 楔角取( )。
A.A、30°~50° B.B、50°~60° C.C、60°~70° D.D、70°~90° [单项选择]与人体生长、发育和生殖功能关系最为密切的是
A. 肾主封藏 B. 心主血脉 C. 脾主运化 D. 肝主疏泄 [填空题]My research is an in-depth study of 39 people who changed them or were in the process of trying to change careers. Determining the magnitude of any.
34 work transition is very highly subjective. Who, apart from the person who has 35 lived life through it, can say whether a shift is radical or incremental After 36 interviewing the dozens of people who were making very different kinds of 37 career moves, I settled on a three-part definition of career change. Some of 38 the people in my study made significant changes in the context where in 39 which they worked, most typically were jumping from large, established firms 40 to small, entrepreneurial organizations or to self-employment or between the 41 for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Others made major changes in the content of 42 the work, sometimes leaving behind occupations, such as medicine, law or 43 academia, that they had trained for themselves extensively. The majority made 44 significan [单选题] 【单选题】洗手间易发生跌倒的原因不包括
A.地面潮湿、杂物过多 B.排大小便时由蹲坐位站立时动作过快,导致直立性低血压而跌倒 C.热水沐浴时间过长导致血管扩张,易引起血压改变而跌倒 D.站立排尿导致循环血容量改变,引发头晕而跌倒 E.洗手间空间过于宽敞 [单项选择]储库型经皮吸收制剂不包括
A. 膜控释型 B. 粘胶分散型 C. 复合膜型 D. 微孔骨架型 E. 微储库型 [判断题]专用排瓦斯巷必须贯穿整个工作面推进长度且不得留有盲巷。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]只带一条线路运行的变压器中性点消弧线圈上,宜用( )限制消弧线圈上产生的过电压。
A.发电间隙 B.氧化物避雷器 C.阀式避雷器 D.避雷线引线 [单项选择]Political controversy(争论)about the public-land policy of the United States began with the American Revolution. In fact, even before independence from Britain was won, it became clear that resolving the dilemmas(困境)surrounding the public domain might prove necessary to preserve the Union itself.
At the peace negotiations with Britain, Americans demanded, and got a western boundary at the Mississippi River. Thus the new nation secured for its birthright a vast internal empire rich in agricultural and mineral resources. But under their colonial charters(契约),seven states—Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia—claimed portions of the western wilderness. Virginia’s claim was the largest, stretching north and west to encompass the later states of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. The language of the charters was vague and their validity questionable, but during the war Virginia reinforced its title by sponsorin A. A controversial public-land policy. B. How independence from Britain was won. C. The land holdings of Massachusetts. D. How New Jersey developed its western land. [判断题]生产矿井现有的两套不同能力的主要通风机,在满足生产要求时可继续使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]班杜拉认为,人的行为受行为的( )影响。
A.期待 B.诱因 C.结果因素 D.先行因素 E.需要 [单项选择]“心服“(心服口服)是采用汉字速记中的( )略写法
A. 熟知 B. 成语 C. 词组 D. 多音节词 [多选题]下列关于行政处罚和行政许可行为,说法不正确的是( )。
A.行政处罚和行政许可的设定机关均应定期对其设定的行政处罚和行政许可进行评价 B.法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织,可依授权行使行政处罚权和行政许可权 C.行政机关委托实施行政处罚和行政许可的组织应当是依法成立的管理公共事务的事业组织 D.行政机关依法举行听证的,应当根据听证笔录作出行政处罚决定和行政许可决定 [判断题]“无干扰服务”就是在满足旅客基本需求,又无特殊需求情况下,尽量不干扰旅客。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]槐角丸使用注意事项正确的是()
A. 虚寒性便血者、体弱年迈者慎用 B. 治疗软组织损伤时,可配合外用正红花油等活血之品,以增疗效 C. 若痔疮便血,肿痛严重和便血呈喷射状者,应及时采取综合急救措施 D. 平素大便干燥者慎用 E. 服药期间,忌食辛辣油腻食物 [判断题]司机室承受垂直载荷很大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不是药物经济学研究的目的是
A.促进临床合理用药 B.降低患者医疗费用 C.为政府制定药品政策提供决策依据 D.提高药物资源的合理配置 E.控制药品费用增长 [单选题]当电路断开时,电源端电压在数值上( )电源电动势。
A.大于 B.等于 C.小于 [单选题]在职业病目录中,( )被列为物理因素所致职业病。
A.尘肺病 B.皮肤黑变病 C.手臂振动病 D.心脏病 [单选题]检查网络连通性的应用程序是()。
A.PING B.ARP C.BIND D.DNS [填空题]车站全部 BOM 故障时,_______接到通知后立即赶赴事发地点,安排各岗位票务工作,维持现场秩序。
[单项选择]根据考古发现,人类历史上最早的城市出现在( )。
A. 公元前5000年左右 B. 公元前4000年左右 C. 公元前3000年左右 D. 公元前2000年左右 [单项选择]有关我国产业结构调整的中心任务的叙述中错误舶是( )。
A. 要以服务业为先导 B. 要以基础产业和制造业为支撑 C. 要促进服务业的全面发展 D. 要促进产业间的优化升级 [判断题]大于货车容许载重量5t的叫一般超载。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The audience waited in ( ) silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.
A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable [判断题]协议转换器上E1LOS红灯亮的含义就是2M通道正常. ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在美国1929-1933年的经济大萧条中,罗斯福提到:“单纯的施舍对具有正当自尊心的美国人而言,将会伤害要求保持个人独立的一切本能,而这种工作正是防止他们精神上退费的屏障。”下列新政政策中和他这一理念相吻合的是()。
A.建立救济署,向人民发放救济金 B.增设心理咨询机构,帮助人们愈合心理创伤 C.积极以工代赈,增加就业机会 D.整顿银行的金融体系,恢复银行信用 [单选题]液力变矩器泵轮和涡轮的转速差愈大,则( )。
A.输出扭矩越 B.输出扭矩越小 C.效率越高 D.输出功率越大 我来回答: 提交