Passage Three The winter in Iceland has been one 0f the worst ever. An animal that was born in Iceland and just returned there has enjoyed the weather. Keiko is a killer whale who is now living in a hidden bay. When Keiko was one or two years old, he was captured. This was in 1979. In 1982 he was moved to an amusement part in Ontario, Canada. Three years later another park took him to Mexico City. There, the 6.4-meter (21-foot) whale lived in a small pen with water that was too warm. In 1993 the "Free Willy" movie made people aware of his state. In 1996 the Free Willy Keiko Foundation moved him to a pool in an aquarium in Newport,Oregon. The foundation has spent over $12 million to return Keiko to Iceland, his home. Late last year the 40,000 -pound ( 18,0 -kilogram) whale was flown on a C-17 transport plane to pen near the Wesman Islands. Critics thought Keiko would suffer in the cold water. Instead, he is enjoying the cold and becomes more active. He likes to ju
A. die from the cold water in Iceland
B. would be happy to return home
C. want to be free
D. be able to catch his own food
In the first year or so of Web
business, most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer
market. More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a profession, companies
have started to buy and sell products and services with one another. Such
business-to- business sales make sense because business people typically know
what product they are looking for. Nonetheless, many companies still hesitate to use the Web because of doubts about its reliability. "Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier," says senior analyst Blame Erwin of Forrester Research. Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the company’s private intranet. Another major shift in the model for Inte A. pushing information on the Web is essential to Internet commerce B. interactivity, hospitality and security are important to online customers C. leading companies began to take the online plunge decades ago D. setting up shops in silicon is independent of the cost of computing power [单项选择]Who will work for Ms Butler
A. Emily. B. Mr Cromwell. C. Daniel. [单选题]智能终端IEEE1588对时方案中,其正确的叙述是。
A.应采用非透明时钟功能的交换机 B.主时钟直接给从时钟对时 C.最终是交换机作为主时钟给从时钟对时 D.交换机作为比较点,比较主时钟及从时钟时间,采用正确的进行同步 [单选题]第一个宣布与新中国建立外交关系的社会主义国家是
( )。 A.蒙古 B.苏联 C.朝鲜 D.罗马尼亚 [多选题]2农村资金互助社申请开业,应向银行业监督管理机构提交以下文件.资料:.
A.开业申请 B.开业方案. C.验资报告 D.主要管理制度 [单选题]续签劳动合同的,续签时间最迟不超过劳动合同到期后多少日。( )
A. 10日 B.20日 C.30日 D.40日 [简答题]带电作业中,一塔上电工身穿屏蔽服站在铁塔上。如果人体电阻为980,屏蔽服电阻为20,总的静电感应感应电流为2mA,求流过人体和屏蔽服的电流各为多少?流过人体的电流是否满足规定要求?
[多选题]对火场通信的要求有( )。(易)(应急通信)
A.迅速 B.准确 C.不间断 D.保密 [填空题]MCS-51单片机应用系统中,需要双向传输信息的是()总线。
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