该患者发作时表现属于() Body language is a personal thing. It
says a lot about a person, such as whether he {{U}} (36) {{/U}} respect
for others to whom he is talking, and whether he pays proper {{U}} (37)
{{/U}}to someone else’s ideas. Think about your own body language. It is important to pay attention to it. {{U}} (38) {{/U}}, when you meet someone, don’t stand too {{U}} (39) {{/U}}. An uncomfortable nearness is very {{U}} (40) {{/U}} to the other per- son, {{U}} (41) {{/U}} keep your physical distance, {{U}} (42) {{/U}} he’ll have to keep backing off from you. {{U}} (43) {{/U}} two feet will do. Some of the {{U}} (44) {{/U}} in which your body will tell the other person you are {{U}} (45) {{/U}} carefully are.: Sit attentively(专注地) in your chair. {{U}} (46) {{/U}} you slump(垂头弯腰地坐) down on y A. effort B. care C. thought D. attention [多项选择]以下哪些是个人风险承受能力的评估方法?()
A. 定性方法 B. 客户投资目标 C. 对投资产品的偏好 D. 概率和收益的权衡 E. 定量方法 [多选题]微机联锁是目前最先进的车站联锁设备,它的特点有( )。
A.速度快 B.操纵繁琐 C.设备体积小 D.重量重 E.安全性高 [单选题]【单选】VoLTE的呼叫连续性是通过( )进行的。[1分]
A.盲重定向 B.NACC C.CCO D.eSRVCC [单选题]采取留置措施后,应当在()以内通知被留置人员所在单位和家属。
A.8小时 B.12小时 C.24小时 D.48小时 [简答题]去段管线、检修线、货物线及岔线取送作业应做好哪些工作
[单项选择] Listen up soldiers, we have a crisis on our hands. A silent army has been built up over hundreds of years and is the most deadly enemy we have ever had to face. This is the enemy you people have known since the day you were brought into tins world. You are face to face with this enemy every day, unknowing that every step you take, every move you make, and every decision you face is contributing somehow to this army’’s strength.
In case you haven’’t noticed yet, ladies and gentlemen, this enemy is ourselves. Slowly and surely we are destroying animals, ourselves and most importantly the only planet we have, Earth. You have probably all heard this speech a thousand times before, and well if this has to be the 1001 before we get off our lazy, self-destructing asses and do something to fix it, so be it!
I admit I’’m no better than the rest of you at the simple things in everyday life that are destroying this planet, but the whole issue pisses me off. Our whole existence revol
A. the author has lost confidence completely in people’’s ability to face the threat B. it is too late for the human being to take action to combat the threat C. some people have sensed the danger but fail to take action D. it is people’’s laziness that causes the undesirable consequences [单项选择]下列各句中没有语病的一句是( )。
A. 人与人之间总会有不同的邂逅和相逢,正是不同的人的生活轨迹不停地相交,才编织成这大千世界纷繁的生活。 B. 近年来,我国专利申请一年比一年多,专利申请的持续快速增长,表明国内研究开发水平和社会公众专利意识在不断提高。 C. 这里,昔日开阔的湖面大部分已被填平,变成了宅基地,剩下的小部分也在以10%的速度每年缩减着,令人痛心。 D. 由20多个国家的生物学家参与的“生命百科全书”研究项目,计划将世界上180万种已 [单项选择]空气过滤器的过滤机理主要是( )。
A. 筛滤 B. 静电 C. 分子吸引 D. 扩散、惯性和拦截综合效应 [单选题]《谈时间》一文的主要论证方法是( )
A.演绎论证 B.比较论证 C.归纳论证 D.类比论证、对比论证和归纳论证 [判断题]禁止终端设备在管理信息内、外网之间交叉使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]执行以下程序段时,输出结果为( )。
double a; a=333.721568; printf("%-62e/n",a); A. 输出格式描述符的域宽不够,不能输出 B. 33.721568e+01 C. 3.3e+02 D. -3.33e2 [单选题]下面哪个项目不属于信号II级维修项目?
A.年度信号联锁关系检查试验 B.信号机械室内设备检修 C.道岔转辙设备检修 D.信号机检修 [判断题]配菜的作用是:(1)确定菜肴的数量;(2)使菜肴的色、香、味、形基本确定;(3)确定菜肴的营养价值;(4)确定菜肴的售价;(5)丰富菜肴的品种,使菜肴多样化。
[单选题]小儿腹部手术后伤口拆线时间( )
A.4-5天 B.7-10天 C.10-14天 D.5-7天 [单选题]最牢固的细胞连接是 【 】
A. 紧密连接 B. 中间连接 C. 缝隙连接 D. 桥粒 E. 半桥粒 [判断题]第 543 题, 电能替代是在终端能源消费环节,使用电能替代散烧煤、燃油的能源消费方式。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交