Dollars and cents are the basic units
of American money. The back of all dollar bills are green (hence "greenbacks").
The commonly used coins are one cent (penny) ,five cents ( nickel), 10
cents(dime),and 25 cents (quarter), 50 cents (half dollar) and silver dollars
(not really silver anymore) are gaining in usage, while there has been talk of
phasing out the penny that’s inflation for you. "Always carry plenty of quarters
when traveling. Very useful for phones, soda machines, laundry machines,
etc." There is generally no problem in using US dollars in Canada, but this is never possible in reverse. It’s useful always to carry small change for things like exact fare buses, but do not carry large sums of cash. Instead keep the bulk of your money in travelers’ checks which can be purchased both in the US and abroad and should A. on behalf of B. in line with C. with regard to D. instead of [单选题]配电专用安全芯片应支持( )标准格式的数字证书。
A.X.506 B.X.507 C.X.508 D.X.509 [单项选择]以下哪个关键字声明的局部变量在整个程序运行中其值一直保留
A. Stafic B. Private C. Dim D. Pubic [单选题]预防机车辆伤害,下列行为正确的是( )。
A.严禁扒车代步,慢速行驶的车辆可以跳车 B.无车来时,可以在刚轨上,车底下,道心坐卧休息 C.严禁在运行中的机车、车辆前方抢越 [判断题]三相四线制供电线路,零线上经常有电流流过,如果零线截面选择不当,就容易发生零线烧断事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]旅客乘坐空调列车因空调设备故障在运行过程中不能修复时,列车()。
A.退还50%的空调票价,不收手续费 B.应退还未使用区间的空调票价,不收退票费 C.应退还未使用区间的空调票价,核收手续费 D.应退还未使用区间的空调票价,核收退票费 [单选题]子宫能在盆腔维持在正常位置,主要依靠
A.子宫韧带及骨盆底肌和筋膜的支托 B.膀胱和直肠的支托 C.子宫四对韧带的作用 D.盆底组织的支托 E.腹腔内压力的作用 [填空题]在SQL分组与计算查询中,利用______短语可以对分组条件进一步加以限定。
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