仓库号 |
职工号 |
工资 |
WH1 |
E1 |
427 |
WH2 |
E3 |
521 |
WH3 |
E4 |
625 |
WH4 |
E6 |
625 |
The American economy is growing,
according to the most recent statistics, at the sizzling rate of 7%, and is in
the middle of the largest peacetime expansion in American history. We read in
the newspapers that practically everyone who wants a job can get one. Microsoft
is running advertisements in the New York Times practically begging Congress to
issue more visas for foreign computer and information technology
workers. In this environment, it is shocking that one group of Americans, people with disabilities, have such a high level of unemployment: 30% are not employed the same percentage as when the Americans with Disabilities Act became law. Not only did their employment and labor earnings fall during the recession of the early 1990s, but employment and earnings continued to fall during the long economic expansion that followed. Ma A. Not enough help from relatives in their transportation. B. Prevailing discrimination in work place against the disabled. C. The ineffective system of the federal government, D. The courts’ general favor in employers over the disabled. [单选题]以下中( )是点检员依据点检标准而制订的。
A.备件计划 B.检修计划 C.点检计划 D.维修计划 [填空题]为了对托尔斯泰有个正确理解,列宁曾写过()等七篇文章,专门论述。
A.8个字 B.10个字 C.6个字 [单选题]代维资格证书有一定的(),到期作废,不得延期。
A.时限 B.时段 C.期限 D.规定 [判断题]只有审核后的凭证才能执行记账操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于力偶性质的说法中,表述不正确的是()。
A. 力偶无合力 B. 力偶对其作用面上任意点之矩均相等,与矩心位置无关 C. 若力偶矩的大小和转动方向不变,可同时改变力的大小和力臂的长度,作用效果不变 D. 改变力偶在其作用面内的位置,将改变它对物体的作用效果 我来回答: 提交