One of the most important
technological developments during the 1980s has been the emergence of optical
fiber communication as a major international industry. One indication of the{{U}}
(51) {{/U}}of this development is the total{{U}} (52) {{/U}}of
installed fiber, which was estimated to be 3.2 million kilometers in the U.S.
alone by the end of 1987. Over 90% of this fiber was placed.{{U}} (53)
{{/U}}during the time period of 1982—1987. Long-haul trunk
installations(长途干线设施) have dominated,{{U}} (54) {{/U}}for about 95% of
the fiber in the U.S. In the early 1950s the researchers who produced the first clad glass optical fibers were not{{U}} (55) {{/U}}of using them. for communications.{{U}} (56) {{/U}} , fiber optics was already a well-established commercial technology whe A. in bulk B. in force C. in practice D. in service [简答题]恒发公司与A银行之间的抵押合同是否有效为什么
A. 商业票据 B. 优先股 C. 回购协议 D. 普通股 [单项选择]下列金属材料中,()材料能采用氧气切割。
A. 中碳钢 B. 不锈钢 C. 铜 D. 铸铁 [填空题]( )模式可以管理系统时钟、进行错误检测、查看和保存配置文件、清除闪存、处理并完成路由器的冷启动等操作。
从( )移向制动踏板的过程所需要的 时间。 A.离合器踏板; B.转向制动踏板; C.加速踏板 [判断题]爱国应当是一种理性行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Double Income and No Kids (DINK) becomes fashionable in China. The DINK couples are usually regarded as those who have higher educations and 【31】 careers with higher incomes. The increase in DINK families has shattered the Chinese traditional idea of the family and 【32】 typical.
A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company 【33】 that about 33 percent of the 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have 【34】 plans to have children. It is estimated there about 600,000 DINK families in large cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chongqing.
Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in 【35】 reasons. Some are showing great worry for the rapid growth of population; some are indulged in building a more well-off family; some are showing sharp 【36】 to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children.
【37】 , most people still believe it is necessary to bear a child to keep the family line on. As an old Chinese saying goes: Ther
A. A.into D.from [单选题]电焊机及其他焊割设备与高处焊割作业点的下部地面要保持( )m以上。
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 [单选题]下列生理过程需直接消耗能量的是 ( )
A. 维持静息电位的钾外流 B. 引起动作电位去极相的钠内流 C. 引起动作电位复极相的钾外流 D. 肌质网摄入钙 E. 细胞外液中的钙离子进入细胞 解释:钾外流,钠内流,钙内流均属于通道转运;肌质网摄入钙是依赖于钙泵进行原发性主动转运过程,直接消耗能量 [判断题]
四显示自动闭塞区段,发车进路色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光,表示该信号机列车运行前方至少有两架信号机经道岔侧向位置在开放状态。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]综合运输网按其空间范围,可划分为国家运输网和( )运输网。
A. 国际 B. 地区 C. 省市 D. 复合 [单项选择]生产经营单位未按规定执行单位负责人现场带班制度的,逾期不改正的,责令限期整顿,可处以()的罚款。
A. 2万元以上、3万元以下 B. 2万元以上 C. 3万元以下 D. 5万元以上 [简答题]何谓消化与吸收?
A.可溶颗粒剂应全部溶化或有轻微浑浊,但不得有异物。 B.可溶颗粒剂应全部溶化,不得有混浊和异物。 C.泡腾颗粒剂应迅速产生气体而成泡腾状,并在5分钟内完全分散或溶解在水中。 D.混悬颗粒剂应在5分钟内完全分散或溶解在水中。 E.泡腾颗粒剂溶化性检查的水温为15-25℃。 [单选题]静脉留置针拔出后,按压穿刺点的时间至少是( )
A.5秒 B.10秒 C.15秒 D.30秒 [单选题]列车广播系统不具备的功能()
A.自动报站 B.人工报站 C.自动报警 D.半自动广播 [多项选择]锅炉蛇形管生产线的主要设备有______等。
A. 料架 B. 送管装 C. 直管对接自动焊机 D. 无损探伤设备 E. 弯管机 [单选题]对于堤身崩塌险情,抢护方法主要有( )护坡防浪,采用树木排、竹排、梢料枕或者枝叶繁茂的柳树等材料消减风浪。
A.砂石料 B.浪坎 C.土工织物 D.麻袋草袋 [单选题]变压器三相负载不对称时将出现( )电流。
A.正序,负序,零序 B.正序 C.负序 D.零序 [判断题]( )深圳航空有限责任公司的公司代码是CZ,公司徽标是红底金黄色的“大鹏”图案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采用保护箱时,各机构所有电动机第三相的总过电流继电器动作,使( )。
A.总接触器释放 B.断路器断开 C.熔断器断开 [单项选择]患儿,5个月。睡眠不安,夜啼,多汗,有枕秃,查血钙正常,血磷稍低。对该病的治疗原则应以
A. 补充钙剂为主 B. 添加辅食为主 C. 户外活动为主 D. 增加营养为主 E. 口服维生素D为主 我来回答: 提交